• Unit 1: What Is Management?

    Put simply, the term "management" refers to the coordination of work activities through and with other people to accomplish the goals of an organization. In this unit, you will explore the various functions of management. Management involves not only coordination, but also planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Over the years, the common definition of management has become less specific, as managerial functions have come to include staffing, directing, and reporting. In modern companies, there are fewer layers of management, as today's organizations rely instead on the delegation of responsibilities and authority in order to achieve goals. As a result, today's managers now speak in terms of "leading" or "guiding" people, rather than giving instructions for every action.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 5 hours.

    • 1.1: Introduction and Doing Good as a Core Business Strategy

    • 1.2: Who Are Managers?

    • 1.3: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Strategy: A Manager's Guide

    • 1.4: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling: The P-O-L-C Framework

    • 1.5: Economic, Social, and Environmental Performance for Managers

    • 1.6: Understanding the Performance of Individuals and Groups

    • 1.7: Your Principles of Management Survivor's Guide

    • 1.8: Management Principles throughout the Ages

    • 1.9: A Final Thought: An Alternative Perspective on What Management Is