• Unit 7: Operating System (OS) Security

    Any operating system (OS) connected to a network is considered at risk of unauthorized disclosure. Networks have security systems in place, but an OS should still be hardened in case of unauthorized access. This unit addresses the methods used to harden an OS, protection methods such as antivirus and antimalware software, and OS firewalls and security tools that can provide OS security.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.

    • 7.1: OS Hardening

      To secure an operating system (OS) means to harden the OS. Techniques used to harden systems are performed by a system administrator (SA) but are verified by an information security professional. Techniques used to harden a system may include regular system patching, account configuration, or system changes that are made as required by a security technical implementation guide (STIG). These techniques are performed by a SA, but the information security professional will verify that the technique is in place or was accurately performed. These tools and techniques protect against threats and reduce risks. This section will discuss OS hardening and includes account configuration, patching, and auditing.

    • 7.2: OS Protection Methods

      Additional tools that can protect an operating system are antivirus and antimalware software. These tools are installed by a system administrator (SA) but the type of software may be chosen or approved by a security professional. Antivirus software detects and protects against viruses that can attack a system while antimalware detects and removes malware. In this section you will learn the difference between antivirus and antimalware software and how each one detects threats.

    • 7.3: OS Firewalls

      The purpose of firewalls are to shield systems from external attacks. Firewalls may be a part of the operating system (OS), as it is in the Linux OS through the use of iptables. First, the security professional determines the traffic that should be allowed or denied, then the system administrator (SA) codes the iptables according to those requirements. In this section, the OS firewall tools in the form of iptables that are coded in the Linux OS are described.

    • 7.4: OS Security Tools

    • Unit 7 Assessment

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