• Unit 1: The Building Blocks of English

    Unit 1 introduces us to grammar structures. For many, English grammar is something they've been learning since grade school. Even when we feel like we know the rules well, a refresher can help us articulate the structure we're using. When we can name the structure, it's easier to identify and correct when not used appropriately. In this unit, we'll review grammar structures in general and then look at specific uses of parallelism, modifiers, and rhetorical modes. When employed correctly, these structures make a text easy for a reader to comprehend and clarify our ideas.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.

    • 1.1: Recognizing Parallel Structures

    • 1.2: Using Modifiers to Describe

    • 1.3: Using Structure to Organize

    • Unit 1 Knowledge Check

    • Unit 1 Assessment

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