• Unit 2: Motivation

    Employee motivation is an intrinsic and internal drive to put forth the necessary effort and action toward work-related activities. Managers need to understand how employees are motivated and how to motivate them. Thus, this unit examines theories of motivation and how to use regular performance appraisals and incentives to improve the performance of employees and execute company strategy. Engaged and motivated employees have higher levels of job satisfaction and are more productive.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 8 hours.

    • 2.1: Motivation Theories

      Many different factors can impact people's motivation. People who are motivated extrinsically will focus on the outcome that they achieve. People motivated intrinsically will focus on the self-satisfaction that they receive from a job well done. As you learn about motivational theories, pay attention to motivational factors and see if you can differentiate the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of people you know.
    • 2.2: Managing Motivation

      Once we understand what motivates people, we must figure out how to use that information to help us manage people within an organization. This section will examine the following questions: How can a company devise a fair policy for reviewing individual performance? How can a company ensure that people are empowered to perform at their highest levels? How can a company promote employee satisfaction and reduce dissatisfaction, leading to employee turnover?
    • 2.3: Coaching and Employee Empowerment

      Some businesses tend to use a leadership style whereby all decisions are controlled by managers without input from employees. This top-down management approach rarely encourages employees to do any more than just their job. However, studies have shown that people thrive in an environment that encourages them to contribute to the company's success. This section illustrates that when managers coach and empower employees to achieve their maximum potential, the manager's career will also grow.
    • 2.4: Training

      Training and development involve improving the effectiveness of organizations and the individuals and teams within them. Training may be viewed as related to immediate changes in organizational effectiveness via organized instruction, while development is related to the progress of longer-term organizational and employee goals. While training and development have differing definitions, the two are frequently used interchangeably or together. This section explores how training is closely associated with human resources and talent management.

    • 2.5: Performance Management

      Now that we have considered motivational theories and the constructs of managing motivation, coaching, and empowering employees, this section explores companies' processes to evaluate performance. Many companies still conduct annual performance reviews; however, today's flatter organizations have to function in an ever more dynamic business environment and require a more iterative performance process. No matter which type of firm you work for, you will find that having more frequent conversations with your employees about their development and performance will help you build a workforce that can position the firm to be competitive in the future.
    • 2.6: Feedback

      How feedback is delivered to employees is critical if a manager wants to change performance in the firm. The resources and videos in this section will give insight and tips on effectively giving and receiving feedback. After completing the section, consider unique ways modern organizations can use performance appraisals and feedback effectively.

    • 2.7: Engaging in Difficult Conversations

      All managers and leaders have to occasionally face a situation where they have to engage in difficult conversations with employees. Generally, this occurs when the employee is just not meeting their expectations. As a manager and leader, one of the first questions is whether the employee's expectations or goals were appropriately set and understood. If the answer to this question is yes and the employee has still failed to measure up, there are some tough decisions. Sometimes the manager has to decide whether the employee should be let go, but more likely, the manager wants the employee to improve. This section addresses having those difficult conversations in a way that will lead to improvement.

    • 2.8: Compensation, Incentives, and Rewards

      Managers and leaders need to determine and implement the rewards and incentives that will be used to continue to motivate employees. Rewards serve several functions, including (1) stimulating job effort and performance, (2) reducing absenteeism and turnover, (3) enhancing employee commitment, (4) facilitating job satisfaction, and (5) facilitating occupational and organizational choice. The resources in this section will help you make recommendations about rewards and incentives.
    • Unit 2 Study Resources

      This review video is an excellent way to review what you've learned so far and is presented by one of the professors who created the course.

    • Unit 2 Assessment

      • Receive a grade