• Unit 2: Understanding Databases and DBMSes

    A database is a collection of related data. Think back to the definition of database management (DM) in Unit 1. It was defined as an essential administrative function within an organization. DM describes how to acquire, store, protect, validate, and process related data. Organizations utilize software to effectively manage data.  Database management systems (DBMS) are types of software used to manage data. This software allows an organization to store and retrieve data from a database. Thus, a DBMS is a collection of interrelated data and programs to readily access data.  This unit will cover database information and how it is organized for easy access, managing, and updating. Also, we will review DBMS, which is system software for creating and managing databases in a systematic way.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 3 hours.

    • 2.1: Database Tools

      The phrase "database tool" is a shared term for software and services used to perform database administration tasks. Most database tools perform similar tasks. However, it is difficult to find one database tool that can perform all database administration tasks. In the next sections, you will learn about database design and various database software tools.

        • 2.1.1: Database Design and terms

          Database design is a process to facilitate the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of an enterprise DBMS. Enterprise systems are a combination of hardware and software for operational use. Organizational operations typically consist of a series of functions and tasks necessary to implement a business process. Therefore, an enterprise DBMS manages reporting and manages more than one function within an organization.

        • 2.1.2: Database Software

          There are various types of database software tools. This is because one software system is not designed to manage all administrative functions. Therefore, multiple database software tools may be utilized to run and manage day-to-day and strategic operations. 

        • 2.1.3: Data Administration

          Database administration includes those activities conducted by a database administrator (DBA). DBAs ensure that databases are available and ready for use when needed by their organization. Some DBA duties and responsibilities include security, monitoring, troubleshooting, and operation planning.

      • 2.2: Components of DBMS

        The purpose of a DBMS is to develop a system that will store and analyze data. A typical database stores user data as metadata. For example, metadata can be a document designed by compiling customer name, date of purchase, item of purchase, and zip code. Therefore, a DBMS is a software tool used to better understand data stored within the database system.

          • 2.2.1: The Essentials

            DBMS Software is a set of designated programs that manages and regulates the database. DBMS Hardware consists of the physical components (computer, hard drive/disk) needed before any data can be successfully stored. DBMS Data is the primary reason for the DBMS design. Remember, the DBMS was created to store and analyze data to support organizational operations and planning. DBMS Procedures are the organization's general instructions on how to use a DBMS to support a specific organizational process. This includes setup, install login, logout, management process, and report generation. DBMS Database Access Language is a simple language to write commands to either access, insert, update, or delete data stored in a database. Structured Query Language (SQL) is the most commonly used access language.

          • 2.2.2: How Organizations Use DBMS

            In Unit 1, you learned about data governance. Remember, data governance was explained as a continuous process of frameworks. The frameworks improve data quality and increase confidence in outcomes resulting from data analysis. This can also be applied to how organizations manage data and information. 

            Data is the foundation for information and knowledge for any organization. However, this data must be relevant, complete, accurate, meaningful, and actionable. Therefore, data management is a function to plan, control and deliver data effectively and efficiently in an organization. Data management and information influence data quality and confidence in results. 

            Different departments within an organization use data and information differently. However, you learned that data administrators (DBA) play a critical role to ensure data is readily available for each department when needed. DBAs are also essential in how organizations will manage data and information.

            Data is the foundation of information and knowledge. Data should be relevant, complete, accurate, meaningful, and actionable. Databases are a collection of related data. Organizations utilize various types of DBMS software to manage information in these databases. 

            Remember, various software tools are needed for DBMS. This is due to not having one DBMS software that can perform every administrative function for every organization across industries. Therefore, understanding databases and DBMS is critical to producing reliability and integrity in data used for operational and strategic planning. Unit 3 will cover the first step of designing a database.

        • Study Guide: Unit 2

          We recommend reviewing this Study Guide before taking the Unit 2 Assessment.

        • Unit 2 Assessment

          • Receive a grade