• Unit 3: Drafting Your Message

    Now that you have researched your audience, decided the purpose of your message, and understand your ethical responsibilities, it is time to draft your document. In this unit, we discuss the best way to format or display the content you want to communicate to your audience. How should you craft or present your message to reinforce your main points and persuade your readers to accept your arguments? We also learn how to eliminate common problems that may be distracting.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 3 hours.

    • 3.1: Document Titles and Subject Lines

      Include a short descriptive title or file name when writing a document or memo. This is especially important for email messages because your subject line should capture the main point of your missive to encourage your reader to open it. You also want to ensure your email is easy to find when your reader wants to refer to it later.

    • 3.2: Making a Professional Connection – Greeting, Netiquette, Tone

      One of the best ways to connect with your reader is to say their name. When writing letters or emails, avoid generic salutations, such as "Dear Colleague," "Dear Sir," or "Dear Madam," unless you have no alternative. Do your research to find the person's name at the company so you can include a personalized salutation – Dear Dr. Johnson or Dear Sylvia lets your reader know your message is for them. If your group is too large to list everyone individually, write "Dear Sales Team" or "Dear Board of Directors" to let your readers know others will read your message.

    • 3.3: Organize Your Writing

      What is the most salient point you want your reader to remember from your correspondence? Write your main point on a blank page. Then, add sub-points to support your main objective. We often use numbering or lettering systems (with Roman or Arabic numerals) to organize or group similar information. This helps create a sense of coherence in paragraph and essay writing. Whatever system you use, you should create a hierarchy that organizes your information.

    • 3.4: Write Clearly and Succinctly

      You can convey your message and supporting arguments more clearly by avoiding complicated language and unnecessary words or "fluff". Construct sentences in the active, rather than passive, voice. Avoid unfamiliar jargon (technical terms) and acronyms that may confuse or alienate your reader. The same acronyms can have different meanings in different professions or contexts.

      As we discussed in Unit 2, you need to know your audience – their knowledge and comfort level. Using complicated language they do not understand will leave them confused and frustrated. You will sound pretentious, not smart. However, using language that is too simple can destroy your credibility, making your audience think you do not know the subject matter. This is not easy! Try to express complex ideas using language your reader can understand. Remember your purpose. You want your reader to focus on your ideas and supporting arguments. You have wasted your time and theirs if they leave wondering what you were talking about.

    • 3.5: Writing Collaboratively

      In most jobs, you must collaborate with team members and people from different departments who bring their expertise to your effort. Work documents are rarely written without input from others. For example, you are wise to seek recommendations from your boss – to capitalize on their knowledge and experience – and lucky if you have access to the company's PR department to proofread your work.