• Unit 1: Working with Objects in JavaScript

    JavaScript is an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language based on prototypes. This unit will focus on the different properties of using objects in JavaScript. We will start by reviewing how to create objects and how they are used in programming. Then we will cover some built-in objects useful when programming, including the Math Object, Date Object, and String Object. Finally, we will construct a basic web page to test some of these built-in objects.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.

    • 1.1: More on Objects in JavaScript

      Objects were covered in the first course in this series. Objects help programmers write reusable code for real-world objects. You will review Objects and then shows how to create them with constructors.

    • 1.2: Object-Oriented JavaScript

      Every day, applications on the web help you buy a car, transfer money or take an online class. These real-world objects are represented in programs using objects and classes. This section presents an overview of object-oriented programming concepts and their use in JavaScript prototypes and classes.

    • 1.3: Working with Built-In Objects

      Javascript comes packaged with handy built-in objects that you can use without much effort.  The articles in this section cover some of those objects and how they can be used in a program.

    • 1.4 String, Math, and Date Objects in JavaScript

      Some of the most used built-in objects are Strings, Numbers, and Dates . On many web pages, you will see the Date/time displayed. String and numbers are essential for user input and data manipulation. You should follow along with the examples to strengthen your coding skills with these objects.

    • Unit 1 Assessment

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