• Unit 3: More on Working with Functions

    In this unit, you will expand your knowledge of JavaScript functions which we covered in the first course. You will learn how to use the this keyword correctly and create and use nested, recursive, and higher-order functions. By the end of the unit, you will write a recursive function.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.

    • 3.1: Comparing Types of Functions

      In the previous course, we learned different types of functions. Functions eliminate the need to write the same code repeatedly, which saves time. Functions also make your code much more manageable by segmenting a huge program into several functions, which makes modification efficient. The material in this section reviews functions and then covers using a constructor with a function.

    • 3.2: Scope and Closure

      When working with variables in Javascript, you need to understand the scope and where to access a variable. This section aims to simplify how the scope of variables is used in a general program and inside functions, where the scope can be more complicated.

    • 3.3: Using the "this" Keyword

      The objective of this section is to extend your knowledge of the keyword this. The this keyword in JavaScript references an object and is very powerful when used correctly.

    • 3.4: Nested, Recursive, and High-Order Functions

      Now you will learn more about JavaScript advanced functions and how to use them. Nesting functions and using functions for recursion are both advanced use of functions but are also helpful when coding certain algorithms.

    • Unit 3 Assessment

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