• Unit 2: The Request for Proposals (RFP) or Request for Applications (RFA)

    In this unit, we examine key features of grant funding announcements. Most funding agencies issue a formal announcement – a request for proposal (RFP) or request for application (RFA) – to advertise their readiness to receive applications from organizations seeking funding.

    Many organizations have a grant administrator, such as a grants manager, grant writer, grants coordinator, development officer, or fundraiser, on staff to research opportunities and apply for grant funding. They must be prepared to respond quickly since the deadline for receiving proposals is typically 4–6 weeks after the funding agency releases its RFP. Gathering the information and support materials for a comprehensive proposal takes time. Note that many funding agencies and foundations have the same annual deadline for the programs they administer, but you may need to respond to guideline changes.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.

    • 2.1: RFP Guidelines

      The RFP should include all of the components the grant-funding agency wants you to address – from the format your proposal should follow to the selection criteria they will follow in choosing the best projects. The RFP will help you determine whether a particular grant is right for your organization – it will help guide the grant writing process and provide a framework for your proposal.

      Here are two RFPs that demonstrate how agencies follow their own format, make different requests, and offer different information.

    • 2.2: Submission Deadlines

      Submitting your proposal before the deadline is critical. Many funding programs are awarded on the same date every year. Others rely on the political objectives of Congress or their respective state government. Some change their grant opportunities yearly depending on their organization's priorities and financial health.

      Many of today's grant proposals are submitted electronically, but you should still determine whether the submission deadline indicates when the funding agency needs to have received your proposal or refers to a postmark date.

    • 2.3: Grant Application Review Process

      Many grant programs assemble a cadre of volunteer or paid grant reviewers to read through each proposal the funding agency receives to determine how well each applicant meets the grant program's funding criteria and other objectives. Usually, several reviewers read each proposal to provide a more balanced opinion.
      This group of grant reviewers is typically composed of experts in the field. For example, the U.S. Department of Education recruits college administrators with technical expertise in online learning to review their distance education grant proposals. The readers or reviewers are knowledgeable about the field, and they can spot unreasonable claims or discrepancies that may undermine the credibility of a grant proposal.

      The grant reviewers score each proposal based on how well the candidate meets the criteria the funding agency has established and whether they believe the candidate will meet the goals and objectives of the project. The reviewers compare, contrast, and score many proposals simultaneously. They will penalize proposals written in a sloppy manner or include grammatical errors because they fear the errors indicate the project administrators will be equally careless if they receive funding and are required to implement the project's goals.

    • 2.4: Scoring Matrix or Rubric

      Grant reviewers frequently use a scoring rubric to evaluate their proposals, making their judgments according to a common set of benchmarks and minimum standards. The funding agency assigns a certain point value or range to each question based on the relative importance of these elements with respect to the proposal as a whole. The reviewer scores each response you provide to each RFP question and awards points based on the benchmarks your response meets. This helps readers evaluate each proposal fairly and ensures each applicant covers all necessary components.

      For example, if an important goal of the grant program is to support higher education institutions that serve low-income students, a proposal from a college that serves students living in a poverty-stricken community will receive more points in that particular section of the rubric than one that serves a wealthy district. Similarly, a proposal that partners with a specific type of entity or several other organizations may receive more points than one with only one partner.

      The grant reviewer assigns a numeric value according to the scoring rubric the funding agency has provided. Each proposal receives a final "grade", which makes it easier for the funding agency to compare the scores of all of the applicants. These rubrics are often publicly available, so be sure to ask the funding agency for a copy of this scoring rubric to ensure you address all of the required questions appropriately. A winning proposal earns more points and prevails over applicants who fail to address the questions properly, even if everything else in the other proposal is perfect. Be sure to respond to every question so you do not fall short in one area, compromising your overall grade.