• Unit 4: Researching, Approaching, and Maintaining a Relationship with a Grant-Funding Source

    Now that you understand the elements that go into a grant proposal, you need to conduct some research to find a funding source. You are charged with finding a funding agency that best matches the mission of your project, initiative, or organization so you can convince them that you are the most qualified candidate to address their needs. Your proposal should build a case and tell a compelling story about your organization and the project.

    Good deductive skills are essential to locating the information you need to support your grant writing efforts. As you conduct your research, keep the following three elements in mind.

    1. Focus on opportunities that match your organization's goals and objectives with those of the funder.
    2. Never try to create a program to fit the goals of the funding organization just to obtain money; think about what you want to accomplish with the funds. However, depending on the circumstances, it may be reasonable to tailor your project to align with the funders' goals.
    3. Only write grants for projects you attempt, regardless of whether you receive external funding.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.

    • 4.1: Funding from Individual Donors

      Individual donors provide a large share of potential grant funding: for example, the Foundation Center reported that individual donors gave 72 percent of the $303.1 billion awarded through private funding in 2012. In addition, individuals also donated eight percent of total private funding as part of a bequest (a person's will or legacy).

    • 4.2: Funding from Government

      Keep in mind that grants from the U.S. government often require a great deal of organizational capacity for grant seekers – to obtain, operate, and manage grant funds – because these programs are often extremely competitive.

      As mentioned in Unit 2, grant administrators who apply for funding from the U.S. federal government should be familiar with the Federal Register and Grants.gov, which offer daily listings of proposal requests with descriptions, guidelines, and deadlines for upcoming federal grant opportunities. Take a look at their Grants Learning Center and their federal grant funding search tool.

      It is important to understand the requirements before you pursue these opportunities since your organization may need to expand its operations to comply with them. For example, recipients of federal grants may need to hire or contract external grant reviewers or perform an annual external financial audit. Read all of the materials carefully, and be sure to build any additional costs into your budget when you write your proposal.

    • 4.3: Funding from Foundations

      A foundation is a non-governmental, nonprofit, or charitable organization whose main purpose is to offer grant funding to unrelated individuals, organizations, or institutions, such as to support scientific, educational, cultural, humanitarian, religious, and other charitable purposes. The founders and administrators usually guide the direction, priorities, and goals of grant funding opportunities.

    • 4.4: Building a Relationship with a Grant-Funding Organization

      Think about how you appeal to others to act on your behalf and how they react to your requests. How should you approach this relationship? Put yourself in the position of the person or committee that will review your application and think about what you would like to see from someone who makes a similar request for financial support.

      You may begin creating a relationship with a grant funding organization by introducing your organization, initiative, or project to them and speaking at casual business meetings with the individuals who administer their grant program. You could also introduce your concept through a more formal letter of inquiry (LOI) or concept paper. An LOI may be required as a first step to accessing a foundation before you are allowed to submit a proposal. Many larger cities also have networking events for local nonprofit organizations, which can help put you in contact with potential donors.