• Unit 4: Tables

    Tables allow us to organize large amounts of information meaningfully and usefully when we do not necessarily want to produce a chart of the information. Excel tables have database properties that allow us to sort and filter data to answer specific questions and perform calculations. In this unit, we examine how to design and use tables and create pivot tables, which give statistical information.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.

    • 4.1: Creating and Formatting a Table

      Tables are helpful in spreadsheet programs because they have database properties, which allow you to sort and filter data. This section explores how to create a table in Excel and apply some basic formatting.

    • 4.2: Sorting and Filtering Data

      Because tables act as databases, we can sort and filter them to obtain the information we want in the order we want to see it. This is useful when dealing with large lists of information, such as your company's client list or a listing of students enrolled in a large university class.

    • 4.3: Outlining Data

      Outlining data allows you to organize large amounts of information into manageable chunks. We do this with lists of data, NOT tables. You cannot create outlines or use the subtotals command if your data is still in a table format. If your data is still in a table format and you have access to the table tools–design toolbar, you will not be able to access the subtotals and outlining tools. You must click on your table and use the convert to range command in the tools grouping on the table tools–design toolbar. A good idea is to use a table to sort or filter your data the way you would like before you convert it to be subtotaled.

    • 4.4: PivotTable and PivotChart

      Now that you understand tables, we can discuss PivotTables. PivotTables provide information summaries in a larger table and give statistical information, such as sums, averages, or other statistical information. You can use pivot tables to help make predictions about data, including business forecast predictions.