• Unit 9 User Experience (UX)

    In this unit, we will build on the concepts developed in the previous units to better understand the impact of the consumer lifecycle and design thinking on the user experience (UX) to create maximum engagement for our brand. User Experience (UX) is a consumer optimization practice within brand management that focuses on consumer experience and consumer engagement. UX is often studied in the virtual space of the internet to best add a humanistic touch. This shaping is building the right type of experiences around your brand so that the brand's customers have specific, positive thoughts, feelings, beliefs, opinions, and perceptions about that brand, as opposed to the competitor's brand.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 4 hours.

    • 9.1: Introduction to UX

    • 9.2: Customer Lifecycle Management

      Customer lifecycle management (CLM) grows consumer engagement and, ideally, culminates with customer loyalty. There are five stages of customer lifecycle management: 1) Awareness: the first step in the consumer journey; 2) Consideration: the second step is engaging with a positive response; leading to 3) Purchase: Consumer chooses to purchase the branded product; 4) Retention: post-purchase consumer contact leads to sustainable long-term behavior; and finally 5) Brand loyalty: the consumer becomes a valued "brand ambassador" and adds to the brand equity over time.

    • 9.3: Design Thinking

      Brand managers utilize many techniques to gain the best understanding of what makes the target consumers "tick" and what are the "pain points" to achieving consumer engagement. Brand managers often collaborate with a design thinking team to gain a novel understanding of consumer intentionality. Design thinking offers a different perspective that bridges the consumer thought process and the purchase behavior leading up to the thought process. The design thinking process has five (non-sequential) steps: 1) Empathize: This starts with listening research that considers the emotional intentionality of consumers' behavior; 2) Define the Problem: This uses the results of research to develop human-centered problems first, and profitability second; 3) Ideate: Based on the problem, brand managers and design thinking colleagues then innovate and refurbish existing products from a creativity "out-of-the-box" perspective; 4) Prototype: This step takes the chosen idea and creates a minimum viable product (MVP) to gain feedback from the target consumer, and is when many refinements can happen until all consumer insights create the final version to test; 5) Test: Testing your solution in the real world is what matters the most and confirms whether the problem identified in previous steps is solved.

    • Unit 9 Study Resources

      This review video is an excellent way to review what you've learned so far and is presented by one of the professors who created the course.

    • Unit 9 Assessment

      • Receive a grade