• Unit 1: The Importance of the Sales Function

    The sales function is often misunderstood or stereotyped in a negative light. That's unfortunate because, without a strong sales function, many businesses do not succeed. Without sales, there is no revenue to support a company's other functional areas.

    In this unit, you will learn about the evolution of the sales function, the role salespeople play in companies, the different types of salespeople, and the importance of relationship building in successful selling. Selling is not just for people in the sales profession; we all have to use selling skills in business and our personal lives. The last unit of this course will focus on our personal brand: how we sell ourselves to others. We all go on job interviews, and we need to differentiate ourselves from the other candidates and demonstrate the value and benefits that we offer.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 4 hours.

    • 1.1: The Power of Selling

      Everyone uses personal selling (some more effectively than others!). Selling is what makes people successful. We all have to sell our ideas, points of view, and ourselves daily to all sorts of people. Whether you are working with coworkers brainstorming a new project or with your friends choosing what movie to watch, you have to sell your point of view. Job interviews are all about selling yourself and demonstrating the value you would bring to the company and how you differentiate yourself from the competition.

    • 1.2: The Evolution of Selling

      Customers have many options when making a purchase. The salesperson's role is to demonstrate the competitive advantage of their products. Otherwise, the customer will choose solely on price. The selling profession has evolved to focus on the customers' needs and what value the product can give the customer. How can that product offer up a solution to the customer?

    • 1.3: The Role Professional Salespeople Play

      The role of a salesperson is more than just closing the sale or taking an order. It is about learning the needs of your customer and helping them find a solution to their problems with the use of your product. A salesperson is the link between the company and the customer. Salespeople gain field intelligence which can help design future products to meet the ever changing needs of the customer.

    • 1.4: Identify Different Types of Salespeople

      There are many different types of salespeople, from order takers to those who sell consultatively. Some sales positions are more about service selling, which aims to retain and service current customers and increase the sales revenue of current customers. Developmental selling is more about building long-term relationships with prospective customers for future business opportunities. Many sales positions combine both types of selling – servicing and growing your business with current customers and developing new leads for future growth in sales and market share.

    • 1.5: The Importance of Customer Relationships

      The goal of any company is to have long-term loyal customers. It is important to gain their business, and loyal customers can influence and recommend your product to others. It costs more money to obtain new customers than to retain existing customers.

    • Unit 1 Study Resources

      This review video is an excellent way to review what you've learned so far and is presented by one of the professors who created the course.

    • Unit 1 Assessment

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