• Unit 2: Prospecting and Qualifying

    The selling process follows a framework of seven steps for all products that are sold. This selling model has existed for over a century, despite many changes in technology and culture. The selling process consists of seven steps: 1. Prospect and Qualify, 2. The Preapproach, 3. The approach, 4. The Presentation and or Demonstration, 5. Overcoming Objections, 6. Closing the Sale, and last but not least, 7. Follow-up. In the next several units, we will study, in further detail, each of the seven steps and give you the tools necessary to become an effective salesperson. In Unit 2, we will discuss the first step in this process: Prospecting and Qualifying.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.

    • 2.1: Prospecting and Qualifying Potential Customers

      Not everyone is a potential customer, so it is important to know how to find the customers who can grow your market share. It is also important to qualify the customer; do they have the power and resources to make the purchase decision?

    • 2.2: Screen Potential Customers to Determine Current Needs

      Screening potential customers to determine their current needs is a practice that goes hand in hand with prospecting and qualifying potential customers. A prospect is a lead that is qualified and ready, willing and able to buy. Not all leads are prospects. They may not have the resources or the authority to make the purchase decision.

    • 2.3: Identify Potential Customers

      After you establish your target market, you then qualify your leads, making sure that they have the need for your product, the resources to purchase it, and the authority to make the decision. Then you compile a list of the potential customers you will pursue, remembering that some customers are more important than others.

    • 2.4: Determining Whether the Lead Is a Qualified Prospect

      In sales, it is very important to call on the right targeted customers who have the potential to help you gain market share. Social media has really helped marketers to target the right prospects on the right social media channels.

    • Unit 2 Study Resources

      This review video is an excellent way to review what you've learned so far and is presented by one of the professors who created the course.

    • Unit 2 Assessment

      • Receive a grade