• Unit 5: The Presentation and Demonstration

    You finally get a face-to-face meeting with your customer. Many salespeople consider the presentation the most exciting stage of the selling process. This is your opportunity to shine! You can show the prospect that you know your stuff – and get the chance to deliver value by putting your problem-solving skills to work. Remember, as a sales professional, you are helping your customer find a solution to their problem. In this unit, you will learn important tips to implement when meeting with a customer, from preparation to learning how to adapt to the selling situation, how to dress, and how to handle the logistics. You will also learn about the different dynamics of selling to an individual versus a group selling situation.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 4 hours.

    • 5.1: Asking Probing Questions to Determine Needs

      A good salesperson will ask carefully worded questions to learn about customer needs. The more we know about our customers, the better we can solve their problems. A good salesperson will do more listening than talking.

    • 5.2: What's in It for the Customer

      As a sales professional, your job is to articulate how a feature can benefit the customer. The product's feature is meaningless unless it can be expressed as a benefit to the customer.

    • 5.3: The Importance of Listening

      Believe it or not, good salespeople will listen more than they talk. The more the customer talks, the more the salesperson can learn about their needs and problems and offer solutions to their problems with the benefits of their product.

    • 5.4: Leveraging Technology in Your Sales Presentation

      Technology has rapidly revolutionized the business world and the selling profession. A salesperson has unlimited data at their fingertips, which they can utilize in preparation for the sales call and during the actual presentation.

    • 5.5: Product Demonstrations Engage the Customer

      Production demonstrations and presentations in general are an important part of the sales process. The more the customer understands your product and how it can solve their problem, the more likely they will consider your product or service as a final solution.

    • Unit 5 Study Resources

      This review video is an excellent way to review what you've learned so far and is presented by one of the professors who created the course.

    • Unit 5 Assessment

      • Receive a grade