• Unit 6: Handling Objections

    In almost every sales call, the client may have an objection. This is a normal part of the sales process. It may be a true objection, but often, it may be a misconception the client has about your product or company. Part of a salesperson's job is to clarify what the true objection is and provide information to address the objection. Just because a client presents an objection, it does not mean that they will not make the purchase. Properly handling the objection is a great opportunity for the salesperson to strengthen the relationship with the customer. In this unit, we will see how to understand the nature of a sales objection, how overcoming objections can strengthen a relationship, and when and why prospects raise objections.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 4 hours.

    • 6.1: What Is an Objection?

      Simply put, objections are any obstacle your customers put in the way of choosing your product to solve their problem. They signal your prospect's level of interest and alert you to what actions must be taken to close the sale.

    • 6.2: Types of Common Objections

      In this section, we will learn different types of objections, from objections about the actual product, as well as objections to the price of the product. Sometimes, customers will say they are satisfied with their current product and do not need to try a new one. This statement is still an objection to a potential new opportunity. Consider the way we can frame objections into opportunities.

    • 6.3: Strategies to Handle an Objection

      Once a salesperson handles an objection, they can move on in the sales process toward the close.

    • Unit 6 Study Resources

      This review video is an excellent way to review what you've learned so far and is presented by one of the professors who created the course.

    • Unit 6 Assessment

      • Receive a grade