Designing a Training Program

Delivery Mode

Depending on the type of training that needs to be delivered, you will likely choose a different mode to deliver the training. An orientation might lend itself best to vestibule training, while sexual harassment training may be better for web-based training. When choosing a delivery mode, it is important to consider the audience and budget constrictions. For example, Oakwood Worldwide, a provider of temporary housing, recently won the Top 125 Training Award for its training and development programs. It offers in-class and online classes for all associates and constantly add to its course catalog. This is a major recruitment as well as retention tool for its employees. In fact, the company credits this program for retaining 25 percent of its workforce for ten years or more. Table 8.1 "Types of Training and Delivery" looks at each of the types of training and suggests appropriate options for delivery modes.

Table 8.1 Types of Training and Delivery

Delivery Method Type of Training Suggested
On-the-job coaching Technical training
Skills training
Managerial training
Safety training
Mentor Technical training
Skills training
Managerial training
Safety training
Brown bag lunch Quality training
Soft skills training
Professional training
Safety training
Web-based Technical training
Quality training
Skills training
Soft skills training
Professional training
Team training
Managerial training
Safety training
Job shadowing Technical training
Quality training
Skills training
Safety training
Job swapping Technical training
Quality training
Skills training
Professional training
Team training
Managerial training
Safety training
Vestibule training Technical training
Quality training
Skills training
Soft skills training
Professional training
Team training
Managerial training
Safety training