Input-Output Exercises

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: CS107: C++ Programming
Book: Input-Output Exercises
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Date: Friday, July 26, 2024, 8:18 PM


Complete these exercises to check your understanding of input and output.

C Basic Input Output statement Exercises

1. Write a program that converts Centigrade to Fahrenheit.
Expected Output:
Input a temperature (in Centigrade): 45
113.000000 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Write a C program that calculates the volume of a sphere.
Expected Output:
Input the radius of the sphere : 2.56
The volume of sphere is 70.276237.

3. Write a C program that prints the perimeter of a rectangle to take its height and width as input.
Expected Output :
Input the height of the Rectangle : 5
Input the width of the Rectangle : 7
Perimeter of the Rectangle is : 24.000000

4. Write a C program that converts kilometers per hour to miles per hour.
Expected Output:
Input kilometers per hour: 15
9.320568 miles per hour

5. Write a C program that takes hours and minutes as input, and calculates the total number of minutes.
Expected Output:
Input hours: 5
Input minutes: 37
Total: 337 minutes.

6. Write a program in C that takes minutes as input, and display the total number of hours and minutes.
Expected Output:
Input minutes: 546
9 Hours, 6 Minutes

7. Write a program in C that reads a forename, surname and year of birth and display the names and the year one after another sequentially.
Expected Output:
Input your firstname: Tom
Input your lastname: Davis
Input your year of birth: 1982
Tom Davis 1982

8. Write a program in C to calculate the sum of three numbers with getting input in one line separated by a comma.
Expected Output:
Input three numbers separated by comma: 5,10,15
The sum of three numbers: 30

9. Write a C program to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and  division of two numbers.
Expected Output:
Input any two numbers separated by comma: 10,5
The sum of the given numbers: 15
The difference of the given numbers: 5
The product of the given numbers: 50
The quotient of the given numbers: 2.000000

10. Write a C program to find the third angle of a triangle if two angles are given.
Expected Output :
Input two angles of triangle separated by comma : 50,70
Third angle of the triangle : 60

Source: W3resource,
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Exercise 1

Write a C program that convert a temperature from Centigrade to Fahrenheit.

The centigrade scale, which is also called the Celsius scale, was developed by Swedish astronomer Andres Celsius. In the centigrade scale, water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. The centigrade to Fahrenheit conversion formula is:

C = (5/9) * (F - 32)

where F is the Fahrenheit temperature. 

C Input Output: Converts a temperature from Centigrade to Fahrenheit.

Sample Solution

C Code:

float temp_f; /* degrees fahrenheit */
float temp_c; /* degrees centigrade */
char line_text[50]; /* a line of input */

int main(){
printf("Input a temperature (in Centigrade): ");
fgets(line_text,sizeof(line_text), stdin);

temp_f =((9.0/5.0)* temp_c)+32.0;
printf("%f degrees Fahrenheit.\n", temp_f);


Sample Output:

Input a temperature (in Centigrade): 45 
113.000000 degrees Fahrenheit.


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Converts a temperature from Centigrade to Fahrenheit.

Exercise 2

Write a C program that calculates the volume of a sphere.

A sphere is a perfectly round geometrical object in three-dimensional space that is the surface of a completely round ball.

In three dimensions, the volume inside a sphere is derived to be V = 4/3*π*r3 where r is the radius of the sphere

C Input Output: Calculate volume of a sphere

Sample Solution

C Code:

float myradius; /* radius of the sphere */
float myvolume; /* volume of the sphere (to be computed) */
char line_text[50]; /* a line from the keyboard */

/* the value of pi to 50 places, from wikipedia */
constfloat PI =3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510;

int main(){
printf("Input the radius of the sphere : ");
fgets(line_text,sizeof(line_text), stdin);

myvolume =(4.0/3.0)* PI *(myradius * myradius * myradius);/* volumn=(4/3) * pi * r^3*/
printf("The volume of sphere is %f.\n", myvolume);


Sample Output:

Input the radius of the sphere: 2.56 
The volume of sphere is 70.276237.


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Calculate the volume of a sphere.

Exercise 3

Write a C program that prints the perimeter of a rectangle to take its height and width as input.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Input Output: Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle

Sample Solution

C Code:

int main(){
float rec_width; /* width of the rectangle */
float rec_height; /* height of the rectangle */
float rec_perimeter; /* perimeter (to be computed) */

printf("Input the height of the Rectangle : ");
printf("Input the width of the Rectangle : ");
rec_perimeter =2.0*(rec_height + rec_width);/* perimeter = 2 * ( width + height )*/
printf("Perimeter of the Rectangle is : %f\n", rec_perimeter);

Sample Output:

Input the height of the Rectangle: 5 
Input the width of the Rectangle: 7
Perimeter of the Rectangle is: 24.000000


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle.

Exercise 4

Write a C program that converts kilometers per hour to miles per hour.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Input Output: Converts kilometers per hour to miles per hour

Sample Solution

C Code:

float kmph; /* kilometers per hour */
float miph; /* miles per hour (to be computed) */
char line_text[50]; /* a line from the keyboard */

int main()
printf("Input kilometers per hour: ");
fgets(line_text, sizeof(line_text), stdin);

miph =(kmph *0.6213712);
printf("%f miles per hour\n", miph);


Sample Output:

Input kilometers per hour: 15 
9.320568 miles per hour


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Converts kilometers per hour to miles per hour.

Exercise 5

Write a C program that takes hours and minutes as input, and calculates the total number of minutes.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Input Output: Calculates the total number of minutes with hour and minutes

Sample Solution

C Code:

int hrs; /* given number of hours */
int mins; /* given number of minutes */
int tot_mins; /* total number of minutes (to be computed) */

constintMINaHOUR=60; /* number of minutes in an hour */

char line_text[50]; /* line of input from keyboard */

int main(){
printf("Input hours: ");
fgets(line_text,sizeof(line_text), stdin);

printf("Input minutes: ");
fgets(line_text,sizeof(line_text), stdin);

tot_mins = mins +(hrs *MINaHOUR);

printf("Total: %d minutes.\n", tot_mins);


Sample Output:

Input hours: 5 
Input minutes: 37
Total: 337 minutes.


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Calculates the total number of minutes with hour and minutes.

Exercise 6

Write a program in C that takes minutes as input, and display the total number of hours and minutes.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Input Output: Calculate the total number of hours and minutes

Sample Solution

C Code:

int tot_mins;/* given number of minutes */
int hrs; /* number of hours (to be computed) */
int mins; /* number of minutes (to be computed) */

constintMINaHOUR=60; /* number of minutes in an hour */

char line_text[50]; /* line of input from keyboard */

int main(){
printf("Input minutes: ");
fgets(line_text,sizeof(line_text), stdin);

hrs =(tot_mins /MINaHOUR);
mins =(tot_mins %MINaHOUR);

printf("%d Hours, %d Minutes.\n", hrs, mins);


Sample Output:

Input minutes: 546 
9 Hours, 6 Minutes.


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Calculate the total number of hours and minutes.

Exercise 7

Write a program in C that reads a firstname, lastname and year of birth and display the names and the year one after another sequentially.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Input Output: Display firstname, lastname and year of birth sequentially

Sample Solution

C Code:

int main()
char firstname[20], lastname[20];
int bir_year;
printf("Input your firstname: ");
scanf("%s", firstname);
printf("Input your lastname: ");
scanf("%s", lastname);
printf("Input your year of birth: ");
printf("%s %s %d\n", firstname, lastname, bir_year);

Sample Output:

Input your firstname: Tom 
Input your lastname: Davis
Input your year of birth: 1982
Tom Davis 1982


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Display firstname, lastname and year of birth sequentially.

Exercise 8

Write a program in C to calculate the sum of three numbers with getting input in one line separated by a comma.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Input Output: Calculate the sum of three numbers getting input in one line

Sample Solution

C Code:

int num1,num2,num3; /* declaration of three variables */
int sum;
char line_text[50]; /* line of input from keyboard */

int main()
printf("Input three numbers separated by comma: ");
fgets(line_text,sizeof(line_text), stdin);
sscanf(line_text,"%d, %d, %d",&num1, &num2,&num3);
sum = num1+num2+num3;
printf("The sum of three numbers: %d\n", sum);

Sample Output:

Input three numbers separated by comma: 5,10,15 
The sum of three numbers: 30


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Calculate the sum of three numbers getting input in one line.

Exercise 9

Write a C program to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Input Output: Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers

Sample Solution

C Code:

int main()
int num1, num2;
int sum,sub, mult, mod;
float div;

* Read two numbers from user separated by comma
printf("Input any two numbers separated by comma: ");
scanf("%d,%d", &num1,&num2);

* Performs all arithmetic operations
sum = num1 + num2;
sub= num1 - num2;
mult = num1 * num2;
div =(float)num1 / num2;
mod = num1 % num2;

* Prints the result of all arithmetic operations
printf("The sum of the given numbers: %d\n", sum);
printf("The difference of the given numbers: %d\n", sub);
printf("The product of the given numbers: %d\n", mult);
printf("The quotient of the given numbers: %f\n", div);
printf("MODULUS = %d\n", mod);


Sample Output:

Input any two numbers separated by comma: 10,5 
The sum of the given numbers: 15
The difference of the given numbers: 5
The product of the given numbers: 50
The quotient of the given numbers: 2.000000


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers.

Exercise 10

Write a C program to find the third angle of a triangle if two angles are given.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Input Output: Find the third angle of a triangle if two are given

Sample Solution

C Code:

int main()
int ang1, ang2, ang3;/*are three angles of a triangle */

/* Read two angles of the triangle from user separated by comma*/
printf("Input two angles of triangle separated by comma : ");
scanf("%d, %d",&ang1,&ang2);

ang3 =180-(ang1 + ang2); /* Calculates the third angle */

printf("Third angle of the triangle : %d\n", ang3);


Sample Output:

Input two angles of triangle separated by comma : 50,70 
Third angle of the triangle : 60


C Programming Input Output Flowchart: Find the third angle of a triangle if two are given.