Introduction to Information Systems

The "Harry Potter" example that leads off this reading provides an excellent example of pre-planning, organized business processes, and the need for flexibility in information systems. Each Potter volume increased the pre-orders exponentially, and Amazon used its prior experiences to create policies and practices designed to improve customer experience. As you will see, business processes are a blueprint for success, supported by technology, information systems, and a range of other required services.


This textbook asks you to focus on a set of elements broader than that introduced in a typical Information Systems course. Becoming comfortable in dealing with these elements can bring rewards in terms of professional success and the competitive edge you gain in the marketplace. An information system is a major part of the business processes of an organization performing the critical functions for it. The Information System function is doubly crucial to an organization's success because it provides useful information for management and because it supports the organization's strategic plan.

Some of the terms in this chapter may not be familiar. The text contains definitions and illustrations to facilitate your familiarization with these terms.