Business Presentations in Action
These sections describe the traits of good sound bites and what makes them memorable. After you read, try the exercises at the end of the section.
Telephone/VoIP Communication
Learning Objectives
- Demonstrate the five stages in a telephone conversation.
- Understand delivery strategies to increase comprehension and reduce misunderstanding.
on the phone or producing an audio recording lacks an interpersonal
context with the accompanying nonverbal messages. Unless you use vivid
language, crisp, and clear descriptions, your audience will be left to
sort it out for themselves. They may create mental images that don't
reflect your intention that lead to miscommunication. Conversations
follow predictable patterns and have main parts or stages we can clearly
identify. While not every conversation is the same, many will follow a
variation of a standard pattern composed by David Taylor and Alyse
- Opening
- Feedforward
- Business
- Feedback
- Closing
15.1 "A Five-Stage Telephone Conversation" provides an example of how a conversation might go according to these
five stages.
Stage | Subevents | Example |
Opening |
Feedforward |
Business |
Feedback |
Closing |
Cell phones are a part of many, if not most, people's lives in the industrialized world and, increasingly, in developing nations as well. Computer users can also utilize voice interaction and exchange through voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) programs like Skype. With the availability of VoIP, both audio and visual images are available to the conversation participants. But in our discussion, we'll focus primarily on voice exchanges.
Since you lack the nonverbal context, you need to make sure that your voice accurately communicates your message. Your choice of words and how you say them, including spacing or pausing, pace, rhythm, articulation, and pronunciation are relevant factors in effective delivery. Here are five main points to consider:
- Speak slowly and articulate your words clearly.
- Use vivid terms to create interest and communicate descriptions.
- Be specific.
- Show consideration for others by keeping your phone conversations private.
- Silence cell phones, pagers, and other devices when you are in a meeting or sharing a meal with colleagues.
Key Takeaway
- Write an outline of a script for a telephone conversation that introduces a new product or service to an existing client. Partner with a classmate to role-play the conversation and note points that could use improvement. Compare your results with classmates.
- Think of a phone conversation you had recently. Write a brief summary and include at least one example of what worked or what did not. Share and compare with classmates.
- Take notes during a telephone conversation and write a brief description, labeling the parts of the conversation and providing examples. Share and compare with classmates.