Evaluating a Source Based on Author Authority

You can evaluate the credibility of a book's author pretty easily without knowing a lot about its content. The name of the author is usually on the book's cover or title page. Their biographical information is often included on the back cover, inside flap, or back matter of the book. 

The author of a magazine or newspaper article is usually located near the title. Journal articles often list the author's college or institutional affiliation. 

The author of an online article may be listed near the title or at the end of the story. You may need to visit another site in the "about this site" or "about the author" link. You can also search the internet to find the author's biography, personal website, or alternative social media site. Authors do not typically publish their personal ethos in scholarly journals – they are writing for professional ethos reasons. However, in magazines, newspapers, and online blogs, you often see examples of personal ethos, especially in the opinions or op-ed section.

Watch this video, which explains how to determine an author's credibility, influence, and affiliations using these metrics. This video will help you deepen your analysis of the authority of your source.

Source: Ryerson University Library, https://youtu.be/YpLfXGm_tuY
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Last modified: Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 10:25 AM