Fundamentals of UML Diagrams

A diagram is the graphical presentation of a set of elements. UML has a lot of different diagrams. Make sure you can differentiate between different diagrams. Previous sections described UML diagrams; this section elaborates on them using examples.

Summary on UML Diagrams

In this activity, you have learnt about UML diagrams and their use context. Each diagram in UML provides a certain view of the software under development. When creating a diagram, the following can be a guide question for each:

  • Use Cases – How will our system interact with the outside world?
  • Class Diagram – What objects do we need? How will they be related?
  • Collaboration Diagram – How will the objects interact?
  • Sequence Diagram – How will the objects interact?
  • Statechart (or state) Diagram – What states should our objects be in?
  • Component Diagram – How will our software components be related?
  • Deployment Diagram – How will the software be deployed