Introduction to Network Fundamentals

Read this introduction to the basic terms and technologies we will cover in this course, as well as a brief review of how the Internet and computer networks evolved over time.

The Growth of Computers

  • A processor in a video game of today is 10,000 times faster than the ENIAC computer (1947)
  • A Nintendo game today has more processing power than a 1976 Cray supercomputer
  • Greeting cards contain more computer power than all computer before 1950
  • Chips in some video cameras are more powerful than an IBM 360
  • Computer power, bandwidth and number of hosts double every 12-18 months
  • Moore’s Law: processor speed double every 18 months

The Growth of Networks

  • From Time Magazine, July 27, 1998:
    • Number of years it took for radio to reach 50 million domestic listeners:
      • 40
    • Number of years it took for television and cable to reach 50 million domestic viewers:
      • 13
    • Number of year it took to the World Wide Web to get 50 million domestic users:
      • 4

Brief History of Computers and Networks

  • Before 1950: Early Computers
    • Expensive, cumbersome, taking a huge amount of space and operated only by experts
  • Late 1950’s and 60’s: Batch Processing
    • Smaller, more affordable computers
    • Users would have to physically carry their work (e.g. punched cards), to the computer
    • Single user only
  • 1960’s: Interactive Processing Through Timesharing
    • Terminals with no processing power connected directly to the computer
    • Multiple users simultaneously
  • 1970’s: Minicomputers and Microcomputers
    • Own processing capacity, yet less expensive and more flexible than traditional mainframes
  • 1980’s: Personal Computers, Distributed Systems, Networks.

Brief History of Computers and Networks

  • 1960’s: Interactive Processing Through Timesharing
    • Terminals with no processing power connected directly to the computer
    • Multiple users simultaneously
  • 1970’s: Minicomputers and Microcomputers
    • Own processing capacity, yet less expensive and more flexible than traditional mainframes
  • 1980’s: Personal Computers, Distributed Systems, Networks.

Chronology of the Internet Evolution

  • 1964: Paul Baran wrote reports outlining packet networks
  • 1969: First ARPANET nodes operational
    • First two important applications: Telnet and FTP
  • 1972: Distributed e-mail invented
  • 1973: First non-US computer linked to ARPANET
  • 1975: ARPANET transitioned to Defense Communications Agency
  • 1980: TCP/IP experimentation begins
  • 1981: New host added every 20 days
  • 1983: TCP/IP switchover complete
  • 1986: NSFnet backbone created
  • 1990: ARPANET Retired
  • 1991: Gopher introduced
  • 1991: WWW invented
  • 1992: Mosaic Introduced
  • 1995: Internet Backbone privatized
  • 1998: Number of registered domain name exceeds 2 million
  • 2000: Number of indexable web pages exceed 1 billion

Uses of Computer Networks

  • Business Applications
  • Home Applications
  • Mobile Users

Networks vs Distributed Systems

  • Network:
    • An interconnected collection of autonomous computers, where users are completely aware of the network existence.
    • Users must explicitly generate a change.
  • Distributed System:
    • An interconnected collection of autonomous computers, where all computers operate as a single, large virtual computer system.
    • The existence of multiple computers is transparent to users.
    • A distributed system is a software system built on top of a network. Example: WWW

Network Classification

  • Local Area Networks
  • Metropolitan Area Networks
  • Wide Area Networks
  • Wireless Networks
  • Home Networks
  • Internetworks

Network Classification

Classification of interconnected processors by scale

Type of Network Links (transmission technology)

  • Broadcast links
    • Many machines sharing a common link.
  • Point-to-point links
    • Two machines sharing a single connection link.

Switching Techniques: Circuit Switching

  • A physical path between sender and receiver is established. The path remains active until the “call” is completed.
  • Can involve a long set-up time while the common carrier searches for the free path.
  • No data is transmitted while the circuit is established.
  • Example of Connection-Oriented service. Modeled after the telephone system.
  • Advantages
    • Low overhead (only small circuit ID needed)
    • Packets arrive in sequence
    • QoS easier to implement
  • Disadvantages:
    • Long set up times (high idle time)
    • Non-resilient in case of router failure

Switching Techniques: Packet Switching

  • The source node divides the data into packets and transmits the packets. Each packet has a header that includes the address of the destination node, as well as a sequence number, indicating the position of the packet in the message.
  • The source node transmit to the first switching node in the network
  • The switching node sends the packet to another node (or to the destination) based on the packet address. The process is repeated until the packet gets to the final destination.
  • The destination node uses the sequence numbers to reassemble the packets in correct order.
  • Example of connectionless service, modeled after the Postal System. Also known as Datagram packet switching

Datagram Packet Switching

  • Advantages:
    • No setup times (minimum idleness)
    • Flexibility in the face of congestion
    • More robust in the event of router failures
  • Disadvantages:
    • High Overhead
    • More processing power at each node (larger addresses, per packet routing).
    • More processing at end node (packets arrive out of order)
    • Jitter (variation in packet delay)

Switching Techniques

  • Virtual Call Switching:
    • The first packet determines the route that all packets will follow.
    • Combination of Circuit Switching and time-division multiplexing.
    • Packets from different sources will be interleaved in transmission
    • When you have multiple circuits in one wire, each circuit is called a virtual circuit.

The Concept of Layering: Divide and Conquer

  • Divide the Network functions into logical layers.
    • Each layer is composed of software and/or hardware modules that perform related network services.
  • Each layer uses the services provided by the layer immediately underneath.
  • Data to be transmitted must pass down through the layers of the source node to the communication medium (i.e. physical link).
  • The data travels across the physical link and up through the layers of the destination node to the user. This is called end-to-end communications.
  • More about Layering later in this course.

Network Architecture

  • Each layer deals with messages (packets).
  • Messages are generally limited to a maximum size.
  • Each message contains a control or header information used to synchronize with the remote peer. The header contains “instructions” that tell the remote peer what to do with the message.
  • Each message contains a data portion that contains arbitrary data.
  • When layer N accepts data from layer N+1, it encapsulates the entire layer N+1 message in the data portion the layer N packet.
  • When the remote peer receives a message, it strips of the header information and passes only the data to the next higher layer.

Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Services

Six different types of service.

Networks vs Distributed Systems

  • Network:
    • An interconnected collection of autonomous computers, where users are completely aware of the network existence.
    • Users must explicitly generate a change.
  • Distributed System:
    • An interconnected collection of autonomous computers, where all computers operate as a single, large virtual computer system.
    • The existence of multiple computers is transparent to users.
    • A distributed system is a software system built on top of a network. Example: WWW

Source: Eladio R. Cortes Ramos
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License.

Last modified: Friday, March 22, 2024, 12:03 PM