Introduction to Parallel Computer Architecture

Read sections 2.1 and 2.2 to learn about parallel computer architectures. There are different types of parallelism: there is instruction-level parallelism, where a stream of instructions is simultaneously in partial stages of execution by a single processor; there are multiple streams of instructions, which are simultaneously executed by multiple processors. A quote from the beginning of the chapter states the key ideas:

"In this chapter, we will analyze this more explicit type of parallelism, the hardware that supports it, the programming that enables it, and the concepts that analyze it."

This chapter begins with a simple scientific computation example, followed by a description of SISD, SIMD, MISD, and MIMD architectures."

The largest and most powerful computers are sometimes called ‘supercomputers’. For the last few decades, this has, without exception, referred to parallel computers: machines with more than one CPU that can be set to work on the same problem.

Parallelism is hard to define precisely, since it can appear on several levels. In the previous chapter you already saw how inside a CPU several instructions can be ‘in flight’ simultaneously. This is called instruction-level parallelism, and it is outside explicit user control: it derives from the compiler and the CPU deciding which instructions, out of a single instruction stream, can be processed simultaneously. At the other extreme is the sort of parallelism where more than one instruction stream is handled by multiple processors, often each on their own circuit board. This type of parallelism is typically explicitly scheduled by the user.

In this chapter, we will analyze this more explicit type of parallelism, the hardware that supports it, the programming that enables it, and the concepts that analyze it.

For further reading, a good introduction to parallel computers and parallel programming is Wilkinson and Allen [85].

2.1 Introduction

In scientific codes, there is often a large amount of work to be done, and it is often regular to some extent, with the same operation being performed on many data. The question is then whether this work can be sped up by use of a parallel computer. If there are n operations to be done, and they would take time t on a single processor, can they be done in time t /p on p processors?

Let us start with a very simple example. Adding two vectors of length n

for (i=0; i<n; i++)
x[i] += y[i]

can be done with up to n processors, and execution time is linearly reduced with the number of processors. If each operation takes a unit time, the original algorithm takes time n, and the parallel execution on p processors n/p. The parallel algorithm is faster by a factor of p.

Next, let us consider summing the elements of a vector.

s = 0;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
s += x[i]

This is no longer obviously parallel, but if we recode the loop as

for (s=2; s<n; s*=2)
for (i=0; i<n; i+=s)
x[i] += x[i+s/2]

there is a way to parallelize it: every iteration of the outer loop is now a loop that can be done by n/s processors in parallel. Since the outer loop will go through \log_2n iterations, we see that the new algorithm has a reduced runtime of  n/p \cdot \log_2 n . The parallel algorithm is now faster by a factor of  p/ \log_2n .

Even from these two simple examples we can see some of the characteristics of parallel computing:

  • Sometimes algorithms need to be rewritten slightly to make them parallel.
  • A parallel algorithm may not show perfect speedup.

There are other things to remark on. In the first case, if there are p = n processors, and each has its xi, yi in a local store, the algorithm can be executed without further complications. In the second case, processors need to communicate data among each other. What’s more, if there is a concept of distance between processors, then each iteration of the outer loop increases the distance over which communication takes place.

These matters of algorithm adaptation, efficiency, and communication, are crucial to all of parallel computing. We will return to this issues in various guises throughout this chapter.

2.2 Parallel Computers Architectures

For quite a while now, the top computers have been some sort of parallel computer, that is, an architecture that allows the simultaneous execution of multiple instructions or instruction sequences. One way of characterizing the various forms this can take is due to Flynn [36]. Flynn’s taxonomy distinguishes between whether one or more different instructions are executed simultaneously, and between whether that happens on one or more data items. The following four types result, which we will discuss in more detail below:

SISD: Single Instruction Single Data: this is the traditional CPU architecture: at any one time only a single instruction is executed, operating on a single data item.

SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data: in this computer type there can be multiple processors, each operating on its own data item, but they are all executing the same instruction on that data item. Vector computers (section are typically also characterized as SIMD.

MISD: Multiple Instruction Single Data. No architectures answering to this description exist.

MIMD: Multiple Instruction Multiple Data: here multiple CPUs operate on multiple data items, each executing independent instructions. Most current parallel computers are of this type

2.2.1 SIMD

Parallel computers of the SIMD type apply the same operation simultaneously to a number of data items. The design of the CPUs of such a computer can be quite simple, since the arithmetic unit does not need separate logic and instruction decoding units: all CPUs execute the same operation in lock step. This makes SIMD computers excel at operations on arrays, such as

for (i=0; i<N; i++) a[i] = b[i]+c[i];

and, for this reason, they are also often called array processors. Scientific codes can often be written so that a large fraction of the time is spent in array operations.

On the other hand, there are operations that can not can be executed efficiently on an array processor. For instance, evaluating a number of terms of a recurrence xi+1 = axi + bi involves that many additions and multiplications, but they alternate, so only one operation of each type can be processed at any one time. There are no arrays of numbers here that are simultaneously the input of an addition or multiplication.

In order to allow for different instruction streams on different parts of the data, the processor would have a ‘mask bit’ that could be set to prevent execution of instructions. In code, this typically looks like

where (x>0) {
x[i] = sqrt(x[i])

The programming model where identical operations are applied to a number of data items simultaneously, is known as data parallelism.

Such array operations can occur in the context of physics simulations, but another important source is graphics applications. For this application, the processors in an array processor can be much weaker than the processor in a PC: often they are in fact bit processors, capable of operating on only a single bit at a time. Along these lines, ICL had the 4096 processor DAP [56] in the 1980s, and Goodyear built a 16K processor MPP [14] in the 1970s.

Later, the Connection Machine (CM-1, CM-2, CM-5) were quite popular. While the first Connection Machine had bit processors (16 to a chip), the later models had traditional processors capable of floating point arithmetic, and were not true SIMD architectures. All were based on a hyper-cube interconnection network; see section 2.6.4. Another manufacturer that had a commercially successful array processor was MasPar.

Supercomputers based on array processing do not exist anymore, but the notion of SIMD lives on in various guises, which we will now discuss. Pipelining 

A number of computers have been based on a vector processor or pipeline processor design. The first commercially successful supercomputers, the Cray-1 and the Cyber-205 were of this type. In recent times, the Cray-X1 and the NEC SX series have featured vector pipes. The ‘Earth Simulator’ computer [75], which led the TOP500 (section 2.11) for 3 years, was based on NEC SX processors. The general idea behind pipelining was described in section

While supercomputers based on pipeline processors are in a distinct minority, pipelining is now mainstream in the superscalar CPUs that are the basis for clusters. A typical CPU has pipelined floating point units, often with separate units for addition and multiplication; see the previous chapter.

However, there are some important differences between pipelining in a modern superscalar CPU and in, more old-fashioned, vector units. The pipeline units in these vector computers are not integrated floating point units in the CPU, but can better be considered as attached vector units to a CPU that itself has a floating point unit. The vector unit has vector registers2 with a typical length of 64 floating point numbers; there is typically no ‘vector cache’. The logic in vector units is also simpler, often addressable by explicit vector instructions. Superscalar CPUs, on the other hand, are more complicated and geared towards exploiting data streams in unstructured code. True SIMD in CPUs and GPUs

True SIMD array processing can be found in modern CPUs and GPUs, in both cases inspired by the parallelism that is needed in graphics applications.

Modern CPUs from Intel and AMD, as well as PowerPC chips, have instructions that can perform multiple instances of an operation simultaneously. On Intel processors this is known as SSE: Streaming SIMD Extensions. These extensions were originally intended for graphics processing, where often the same operation needs to be performed on a large number of pixels. Often, the data has to be a total of, say, 128 bits, and this can be divided into two 64-bit reals, four 32-bit reals, or a larger number of even smaller chunks such as 4 bits.

Current compilers can generate SSE instructions automatically; sometimes it is also possible for the user to insert pragmas, for instance with the Intel compiler:

void func(float *restrict c, float *restrict a, float *restrict b, int n)
#pragma vector always
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
c[i] = a[i] * b[i];

Use of these extensions often requires data to be aligned with cache line boundaries (section, so there are special allocate and free calls that return aligned memory.

For a nontrivial example, see figure 2.1, which describes complex multiplication using SSE3.

Array processing on a larger scale can be found in Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)s. A GPU contains a large number of simple processors, ordered in groups of 32, typically. Each processor group is limited to executing the same instruction. Thus, this is true example of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) processing.

Figure 2.1: Complex multiplication with SSE3

2.2.2 MIMD / SPMD computers

By far the most common parallel computer architecture these days is called Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD): the processors execute multiple, possibly differing instructions, each on their own data. Saying that the instructions differ does not mean that the processors actually run different programs: most of these machines operate in Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) mode, where the programmer starts up the same executable on the parallel processors. Since the different instances of the executable can take differing paths through conditional statements, or execute differing numbers of iterations of loops, they will in general not be completely in sync as they were on SIMD machines. This lack of synchronization is called load unbalance, and it is a major source of less than perfect speedup.

There is a great variety in MIMD computers. Some of the aspects concern the way memory is organized, and the network that connects the processors. Apart from these hardware aspects, there are also differing ways of programming these machines. We will see all these aspects below. Machines supporting the SPMD model are usually called clusters. They can be built out of custom or commodity processors; if they consist of PCs, running Linux, and connected with Ethernet, they are referred to as Beowulf clusters [49].

Source: Victor Eijkhout, Edmond Chow, and Robert van de Geijn,
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Last modified: Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 9:41 PM