Creating Offerings

Think about why you purchase things. In this section you will read material on offerings and distinguish between the three major components of an offering: product, price, and service. Summarize the points for both sides of a product-dominant and a service-dominant approach, Review how each component composes different types of offerings. Then distinguish between technology platforms and product lines.

What Composes an Offering?


  1. Distinguish between the three major components of an offering - product, price, and service.
  2. Explain, from both a product-dominant and a service-dominant approach, the mix of components that compose different types of offerings.
  3. Distinguish between technology platforms and product lines.

People buy things to solve needs. In the case of the iPod, the need is to have better access to music, to look cool, or both. Offering are products and services designed to deliver value to customers - either to fulfill their needs, satisfy their "wants," or both. We discuss people's needs in other chapters. In this chapter, we discuss how marketing fills those needs through the creation and delivery of offerings.