Topic Name Description
Course Syllabus Page Course Syllabus
Unit 1: Defining Communication URL Defining Communication and Communication Study
Please read Chapter 1 for an introduction to the study of communication: the exchange of information or meaning between individuals. While reading, please pay close attention to the definition of communication, the linear model of communication, and the transactional approach to communication. These models are the foundation for human communication and the remainder of this course. After reading the chapter, complete the discussion questions and write definitions for the key terms listedat the end of the chapter. These assignments will help prepare you for the final course exam.

Page Elements of Communication

Watch this brief video lecture about the most common elements of human communication. The presenter highlights basic features of verbal and written communication processes. These features include verbal and non-verbal cues; the importance of listening and feedback; and the effectiveness of verbal communication and written communication. These are the essential building blocks of human communication in general, and will be addressed in more detail in other units of this course.

Page What is Communication?

This brief video provides a definition of communication and an overview of how communication is part of our daily lives. The presenter also reminds us that communication is studied by a number of other science and humanities disciplines. It is the core of the human experience. The communication pyramid is one model for identifying the importance of communication in society today. 

Unit 2: Verbal Communication URL Verbal Communication (Part 1)

Please read Chapter 2 for an in-depth discussion of verbal communication and its functions. As you read, pay close attention to the definition of verbal communication as a rule-bound system of symbols.  Understanding the basic functions and operations of verbal communication in our lives is a critical component of the many forms of human communication. After reading the chapter, complete the discussion questions and write definitions for the key terms listed at the end of the chapter. These assignments will help prepare you for the final exam.

URL Verbal Communication (Part 2)

Please read Chapter 3: Verbal Communication on pages 148 through 223 for an overview of the concept of verbal communication and the elements that must be considered as we construct our verbal communication in many situations. Some of the elements to keep in mind include meaning and symbols, connotation and denotation, abstraction and concrete language.

Page Oral vs. Written Communication

This brief video compares and contrasts written and spoken communication. The presenter provides and overview of the most common model of transactional communication and shows how written communication and spoken communication have advantages and disadvantages for conveying different messages.

Page The Power of Verbal Communication

This lecture, presented by a group of practitioners and educators, provides an interesting discussion of common applications of verbal communication skills in our daily lives. These examples include applications in our personal lives with family and friends, as well as examples in our work lives with supervisors and coworkers. The presenters address the importance of verbal communication using traditional and new media.

Unit 3: Nonverbal Communication URL Nonverbal Communication (Part 1)

Read Chapter 3 for an in-depth discussion of nonverbal communication and its functions.  Pay close attention to the definition of nonverbal communication. Understanding the basic functions and types of nonverbal communication in our lives is a critical component of the many forms of human communication.  The authors reinforce the notion that our actions (nonverbal communication) often speak truer or louder than our articulated verbal communication. After reading the chapter, complete the discussion questions and write definitions for the key terms listed at the end of the chapter.  These assignments will help prepare you for the final exam.

Page Nonverbal Communication (Part 2)

In these two videos Professor Carl Isaacson and his class discuss the concept of nonverbal communication. During the classes Prof. Isaacson discusses theories of nonverbal communication and how we can use our understanding of this human communication construct in our daily lives. Using common examples he addresses elements of nonverbal communication such as eye contact, gesture, personal space, haptics, and clothing/appearance to name just a few. 

Unit 4: Perception and Impression Management Page Impression Management

Read these lecture notes for a summary of impression management.  This chapter discusses impression management, also known as identity management.  This is how you manage your identity when you engage in communication transactions with others.  Impression management goes hand-in-hand with the perception process as important components of human communication.

Unit 5: Ethical Communication URL Understanding the Ethics of Public Speaking

Read this chapter.  Attempt the Exercises at the end of each section as well as the Chapter Exercises. This chapter discusses ethical communication, an important component of all human communication transactions.

Unit 6: Intercultural Communication URL Intercultural Communication

Read Chapter 12 for an introduction to the study of intercultural communication--the impact of culture on communication.  Pay close attention to the definition of intercultural communication and the many cultural factors that influence the way you communicate in your own culture and when you are confronted by unfamiliar cultures.  After reading the chapter, complete the discussion questions and write definitions for the key terms listed at the end of the chapter. These assignments will help prepare you for the final exam.

Page Culture and Communication

Watch this video for a thorough discussion of the relationship between culture and communication. Pay particular attention to the numerous examples Dr. Nagrajan uses to illustrate how communication and culture are intertwined and the challenges involved in intercultural communication. Consider what Dr. Nagrajan says about language and its role in communication, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and the self-concept in light of what you read from the Chapter 12 reading you just completed.

Page Effective Cross-Cultural Communication

Watch the video lecture about intercultural communication, also known as cross-cultural communication. Because we live in an increasingly global world, it is important for individuals to develop intercultural sensitivity to be successful in our daily work and leisure encounters. In this short lecture the presenter defines intercultural communication using the diversity wheel to compare cultural differences and similarities.

Unit 7: Introduction to Communication Theory URL Communication Theory

Read this chapter for an introduction to communication theory.  Pay close attention to the definition and functions of communication theory.  Additional discussions of the application of communication theory will be part of other units of this course.  After reading the chapter, complete the discussion questions and write definitions for the key terms listed at the end of the chapter.  These assignments will help prepare you for the final course exam.

Page Coordinated Management of Meaning

Read this overview with examples of the Coordinated Management of Meaning Theory. This website provides summaries of numerous common human communication theories that will be applied throughout this course. Theories like this one help us understand how different individuals make sense of the world around them and how we share these messages with others. Read the page in its entirety to better understand the theory and common applications of the theory.

Page Symbolic Interaction Theory

Read this overview of Symbolic Interaction Theory. Be sure to take note of the examples. This website provides summaries of numerous common human communication theories that will be applied throughout this course.

Page Attribution Theory

Read this description of Attribution Theory and its applications. The Attribution Theory of human communication attempts to explain how individuals interpret events and messages. The theory provides evidence that we attempt to predict the behavior of others by attributing their actions to known events.

Page Constructivism

In this short video, Constructivism is defined and applications of the theory are presented from the perspective of teaching and learning. The Constructivism or Constructivist theory implies that people construct their understanding of the world around them based on their interactions with information and events around them

URL Elaboration of Likelihood Theory

Scroll to the section titled Theories of Persuasion. Under this section, read the description and applications for the Elaboration of Likelihood Theory. This theory of persuasive communication attempts to predict how much thought people give to analyzing messages and why they do or don't analyze messages. This theory is the heart of persuasive communication.

URL Social Judgment Theory

Continue reading within Chapter 7, Section 1. This time, read the description and applications for the Social Judgment Theory. This theory of persuasive communication predicts that individuals are more likely to agree with messages that they already judge as valuable. The more you know about the attitudes, beliefs, and values of the person you are trying the persuade, the better you are prepared to modify your message to align with their judgment. This theory is critical to understanding persuasive communication.

Page Social Penetration Theory

Read this overview of the Social Penetration Theory. This website provides summaries of numerous common human communication theories that will be applied throughout this course. Theories like this one help us understand how communication contributes to the development of interpersonal relationships. Read the page in its entirety to better understand the theory and common applications of the theory. Be sure to examine the  provided examples.

Page Uncertainty Reduction Theory

This reading covers Uncertainty Reduction Theory. This website provides summaries of numerous common human communication theories that will be applied throughout this course. Theories like this one confirm that individuals are more comfortable with more predictable interactions. In other words, we need to reduce our uncertainty about others by gaining information about them so we can predict the other person's' behavior. Read the page in its entirety to better understand the theory and common applications of the theory.

Page Groupthink Theory

Read this article for an overview and some examples of the Groupthink Theory. This website provides summaries of numerous common human communication theories that will be applied throughout this course. Theories like this one help us understand how communication practices and deference to others in group decision making can have a negative effect on outcomes. Read the page in its entirety to better understand the theory and common applications of the theory.

Page Face Negotiation Theory
This reading gives a description and applications of Face Negotiation Theory. Issues of Face or Face Management as a theory acknowledges that individuals are concerned about how others perceive them. This theory is often referred to as the politeness theory. We work at maintaining a public image and when we fail at keeping up that appearance we "lose face" and may suffer some embarrassment. Public image is created through our interpersonal communication.
Unit 8: Rhetorical Criticism URL Rhetorical Criticism

This reading covers rhetorical criticism and its place in communication theory.  Pay close attention to the definition of rhetorical criticism, its historical underpinnings and uses today.  Additional discussions of the applications will be part of other units of this course. After reading the chapter, complete the discussion questions and write definitions for the key terms listed at the end of the chapter.  These assignments will help prepare you for the final exam.

Unit 9: Gender Communication URL Gender Communication

This chapter discusses gender communication theory.  Pay close attention to the definition and applications of gender communication theory.  Additional discussions of the applications will be part of other units of this course. After reading the chapter, complete the discussion questions and write definitions for the key terms listed at the end of the chapter.  These assignments will help prepare you for the final course exam.

Page Language Defines Gender and Nonverbal Communication Between Men and Women

In the first lecture Professor Muehlhoff and his students discuss the use and impact of language on the way gender is defined in society. The discussion addresses the use of language and symbols and how these affect our interpretations of ourselves and others. He provides insights into communication barriers and strategies for improving interpersonal interactions based on gender communication theory. In the second lecture Professor Muehlhoff continues the discussion of gender communication by addressing the use of nonverbal cues in the communication process.

Course Feedback Survey URL Course Feedback Survey