
Read this section to gain an understanding of the environmental impacts of businesses and the importance of sustainability.


In this exercise, you will analyze a company's environmental initiatives using current resources and reputable environmental rankings. First, alternative sources such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Greenpeace, or Newsweek's Green Rankings should be researched to find lists of top environmentally responsible companies and offenders. Choose a company from one of these lists and visit its official website to read about its environmental policies and sustainability efforts. Then, please answer the questions below to evaluate the company's environmental performance and the effectiveness of its promotional efforts.

  • Based on the information provided in the resource and on your selected company’s Web site, how would you rate the company’s environmental initiatives?
  • In your opinion, does the company deserve to be on a “Toxic” list? Why, or why not?
  • How does the company promote its environmental efforts? Is this promotion effective?