Old to New Media

Read this article. Social media has avenues to advertise products or services. It is important to use social media with a purpose and plan. It is a way to create impressions, build equity, and sell products or services.

Media convergence

New digital media devices inherit many qualities and functions of older media and forms of communication.

Phones in a series growing smaller

Mobile Phone Evolution: The shapes of mobile phones have evolved over time to become less similar to older analog phones.

Here's an example: When your phone camera snaps a digital photo, it probably makes this sound or something like it. That sound is the sound of a shutter opening and closing. It is a sound that analog (non-digital) cameras have to make in order to function.

Digital cameras don't have shutters; they function through chips that sense light coming into the lens. So why do so many digital cameras make that shutter sound? Because developers wanted your device to signal to you that the photo was taken, and that sound has become associated with picture taking in our society. Media scholar Henry Jenkins calls this type of blending of old and new media "technological convergence". (Convergence just means coming together while moving through time). Technological convergence is one of several types of media convergence that Jenkins writes are crucial to understanding our media world today.

Our technologies are full of convergences with older, traditional media helping us make sense of new media. Some signs of technological convergence go away over time as we become more comfortable with technologies. For example, mobile phones were once shaped more like analog phones, which helped people feel more comfortable calling and talking on them. However, as they gained more entertainment-related affordances, they began to appear more like remote control devices.