Unit 4: Audience Analysis
The Shannon and Weaver model of communication introduced in Unit 1 (see the Section 1.2 reading in Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking) identifies all of the elements which influence the process of communication, and because it is a model intended to apply to a wide range of communication situations, it uses generic terms for those elements: "source", not "speaker;" "receiver", not "audience;" "noise", not "distraction", for example. Considering your "audience" in the generic sense of being "receivers" of your messages is a good way to approach the contents of this unit. The word "audience" tends to imply the passivity of sitting before a television or a stage or a book, as spectators not participants. However, in reality audiences are far more active than that, and using Shannon and Weaver's generic terms, you can frame this concept of the audience as a receiver more clearly. A source sends a message to a receiver in the same way a pitcher tosses a ball to a batter. The pitcher analyzes, among other things, the batter's stance and perhaps what is known about the batter's swinging style, temperament, or weaknesses. Then, the pitcher throws the ball and the batter reacts either by swinging, because the throw was good, or by stepping back because the ball was foul. Communication audiences react much like batters; their responses are based on how the ball – the message – is sent to them. The analogy breaks down at this point, however, because in the game of baseball, the pitcher does not want the batter to connect with the ball, while in public speaking, that connection is your goal. As you review the materials in this unit, keep in mind that audiences are not passive. They stand at bat, ready to swing and hit, swing and miss, or stand back and let your message just pass them by.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 5 hours.
Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
- choose a topic and prepare a speech about it that suits that audience's needs, based on the audience's traits;
- describe ways to establish credibility based on a specific audience's traits; and
- identify the influence that demographic, psychographic, and situational information has in planning a speech.
4.1: Why Conduct an Audience Analysis?
Read the introduction to Chapter 5 and Section 5.1, which explains why audience analysis is the most important step in preparing to speak. The success of a speech depends on how well a speaker anticipates his or her audience. Audience analysis is what distinguishes professional speakers from amateurs. Answer the questions at the end of the section.
This chapter explains a process for collecting information about your audience and using it to improve your connection with them. Audience analysis can help you select topics that better suit your audience's needs and interests.
4.2: Three Types of Audience Analysis
Read section 5.2. Failing to account for one factor of your audience can lead you to make wrong conclusions. Psychographic and situational factors are more difficult to measure, but they can make or break your preparations. Attempt the exercises at the end of the section.
4.3: Conducting Audience Analysis
This section introduces some tools for conducting audience analyses. Keep the difference between tools and techniques in mind. Techniques are proven, systematic procedures for completing a task or accomplishing an objective. Tools are used to perform those procedures. Audience analysis is one of several techniques required for an effective speech. The tools used to perform an audience analysis include observations, interviews, surveys, focus groups, and existing data. Attempt the questions at the end of the section.
Read this three-part series on audience analysis, which reinforces how we get to know our audience before creating a speech and discusses a unique way of using your audience analysis to connect with your audience.
4.4: Using Your Audience Analysis
This section includes a rarely-covered aspect of public speaking: making adjustments to a speech while you're giving it. You should try to notice the feedback your audience provides while you are speaking. Attempt to answer the questions at the end of the section.
4.5: Unit 4 Exercises
After you have completed this unit, respond to these exercises. If you get any questions incorrect, review that material from the chapter.