• Unit 2: Enhancing Workplace Productivity

    Unfortunately, most of us lack the benefit of a quiet corner office on the penthouse floor or the ability to retreat to a soundproof room to concentrate on our work. We must often perform our jobs amid multiple sources of noise and distractions. Do you or your manager measure your productivity in terms of how many tasks you can perform at once without really looking at the quality of the outcomes? The following resources will help clarify the impact of these obstacles on your success.

    In this unit, you will learn how we undermine our productivity and gain tools to improve our ability to focus, prioritize, and improve our decision-making and problem-solving skills. Pay particular attention to how goal setting relates to personal and professional accomplishment.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 5 hours.

    • 2.1: Setting Appropriate Goals and Priorities

      Setting goals can provide a powerful motivation tool to help you and your team keep track of your accomplishments. However, be sure to avoid feeling overwhelmed by endless to-do lists.

    • 2.2: Determining What Is Important

      We have learned that time is a valuable but limited resource and the importance of writing specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-bound goals. However, reaching your goals brings more complexity to our decision-making and problem-solving tapestry. To-do lists are the starting point for corralling our thoughts, ideas, and activities. Let's examine how to determine the urgency or importance of each task and how to effectively meet its project management or academic challenges. These readings provide valuable tools for gaining control of your time and increasing your ability to balance relationships and academic, social, and professional commitments.

    • 2.3: Methods for Increasing Productivity

      The productivity level of any process refers to the effective effort where output is measured per unit of input. In other words, how efficient are you at obtaining your goals, given your effort? Remember our discussion of SMART goals? Each component of this acronym plays an important part in getting to the finish line. Pay special attention to the "actionable" element to increase your efficiency and effectiveness. You might surprise yourself by attaining your goals if you use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to identify important and urgent demands on your time and avoid procrastinating on less enjoyable or more difficult tasks.

    • 2.4: Reducing Distractions and Staying Focused

      Are you a victim of distractions when you try to complete a project on time? For example, do you find TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media irresistible when you try to complete your work? Strategies for staying focused and managing our time include enabling ad blockers and bookmarks to stay focused when you are on your computer. It often helps to designate a distinct workplace or use different email addresses or phones to separate your personal and professional lives. We often reward ourselves for completing a pre-planned goal.

    • 2.5: Avoid Multitasking

      Many jobs and situations require us to multitask, but research has shown it can be unproductive and damage our health. The following resources offer examples of the negative consequences of multitasking. For example, a 2015 study (Lin, Cockerham, Chang, and Natividad, 2015) showed that college students take longer to do their homework and earn lower test scores when they multitasked while studying.