2.3: Writing for Social Media
In this section, we explore how to incorporate rhetorical tools and writing conventions in the digital environment. Note that social media platforms change frequently and slip into, and out of, vogue without warning. We read, hear, watch, remix, and interact with online communication. How does the information you learn in this course apply to other social media channels you encounter?
Read this text on writing in an online context.
Today, most companies and organizations use Meta (Facebook) to connect with their customers or members, using the online writing techniques we have reviewed to persuade, entice, and inform customers about their products and services.
Read this article on how businesses use analytics tools to gauge how customers value and react to their products via social media.
Instagram and TikTok are popular forums for sharing images, videos, and other types of content. Think about your purpose and envision how these media can communicate your message. Read this text on how to choose the appropriate text and visual images. How do these guidelines apply to other forms of social media?
Read this text on multimodal writing and image combination. How can you use text and images in the social media environment?