Unit 2: Transforming to a Data-Driven Decision-Making Enterprise
Data and technology are not the only components of a successful DDDM initiative. The enterprise must also address three continuums: data/technology, people/organization, and processes/workflow. Together, these three aspects comprise the DDDM change model, and they must be managed and implemented simultaneously for a DDDM initiative to be successful. There are milestones that a company must complete before moving forward in a DDDM initiative. This unit will cover the DDDM implementation process as a whole and the milestones within the process for each of these three continuums. It will also present the factors required for building a successful, analytics-focused organization.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.
Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
- differentiate between the continuums of the data-driven decision-making implementation process and recognize the milestones that must be completed along each continuum;
- evaluate the critical success factors for building an analytics-focused organization; and
- examine how management uses data outcomes to guide organizational decision-making.
2.1: DDDM Implementation Continuums
To make informed decisions based on data, managers must have an analytics mindset that enables them to understand how the data is derived, interpreted, and communicated. A chart based on the results of an analysis may not be accurate or substantive. Therefore, managers need to develop an analytical skillset that helps them know what makes sense and understand where analytics adds value. This enables them to be confident enough to ask pertinent questions of the analyst. Read this article to learn the benefits of managers developing an analytical mindset.
Watch this video to learn the three continuums necessary to implement a data-driven decision-making function in an organization successfully.
2.1.1: Data/Technology
Watch this video to learn the steps along the data/technology continuum necessary for implementing data-driven decision-making functions in an organization. For an organization you are familiar with, identify where they would be on this continuum.
2.1.2: Organizational/People
Watch this video to learn the steps along the organization/people continuum necessary for implementing data-driven decision-making functions in an organization. For an organization you are familiar with, identify where they would be on this continuum.
2.1.3: Process/Workflow
Watch this video to learn the steps along the process/workflow continuum necessary for implementing data-driven decision-making functions in an organization. For an organization you are familiar with, identify where they would be on this continuum.
2.2: Critical Success Factors
Watch this video to learn the critical success factors in implementing a data-driven decision-making function in an organization. Select two of the success factors and identify examples of successful implementation.
Study Guide: Unit 2
We recommend reviewing this Study Guide before taking the Unit 2 Assessment.
Unit 2 Assessment
- Receive a grade
Take this assessment to see how well you understood this unit.
- This assessment does not count towards your grade. It is just for practice!
- You will see the correct answers when you submit your answers. Use this to help you study for the final exam!
- You can take this assessment as many times as you want, whenever you want.