• Unit 1: The Importance of Writing and Getting Started

    Writing is an essential part of our daily lives. Whether you are writing a cover letter to a potential employer, making a shopping list, writing a blog about your favorite hobby for people who share that interest, emailing a coworker, or writing an essay for a class, writing is an important skill. When it comes to being a college student, you will find that writing effectively will be a key skill for success. In your classes, you will be asked to write journals, responses to texts, essays, and research papers, in addition to the writing you will need to do when you take notes while reading or listening in class. However, let's face it: not everyone enjoys or feels comfortable expressing themselves through writing. This course aims to help improve your writing as well as your confidence in your writing. You may find that as you improve as a writer, you will enjoy it more (or at least dislike it less)! After all, it is understandably frustrating when you have all these great ideas in your head, and they just don't seem to come out the way you want on the page. It's hard to like something you don't feel any good at! As you begin this course, brainstorm about your feelings and experiences regarding writing. What do you like about writing? What do you dislike about it?

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 3 hours.

    • 1.1: The Value of Writing

    • 1.2: Speech vs. Writing

    • 1.3: Purpose and Audience

    • 1.4: Four Keys to Good Writing

    • 1.5: Paragraph Structure

    • 1.6: Personal Writing

    • 1.7: Prewriting Strategies

    • Unit 1 Assessment

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