• Unit 2: Unity and Support

    Once you have done some planning, the first two keys to good writing are unity and support. Unity means "togetherness"; this meaning doesn't change in the context of writing, where it refers to the ideas coming together and staying on topic within a piece of writing. Likewise, "support" has a meaning in writing that is pretty much the same as in other contexts. When we talk about support in writing, we are talking about how you demonstrate ideas to be true.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 7 hours.

    • 2.1: Topic Sentences

    • 2.2: The Three Es

    • 2.3: Anticipating Questions

    • 2.4: Bring Writing to Life

    • 2.5: Writing Red Flags

    • 2.6: Main Ideas

    • Unit 2 Assessment

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