• Unit 1: Language Skills

    Unit 1 introduces you to sentence agreement and tense consistency. Both of these concepts relate to the correct use of verbs to improve clarity of expression. In English, it is important that subjects match their verbs in every sentence. It is also important that the time of verbs, referred to as the verb's tense, stays consistent in a sentence or paragraph. For example, readers would be confused if a sentence mentioned one bird "walked" but later said "birds" or if that same bird "walked" while also "is walking". Clear writing also relies on pronouns correctly referring to their noun antecedents. In this unit, you'll learn how to match subjects with their verbs and pronouns to their nouns and use verb tense consistently in your sentences or paragraphs to help the reader follow along easily. Finally, you'll practice recognizing subject-verb, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and tense consistency errors in order to correct them.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 5 hours.

    • 1.1: Sentence Agreement – Number, Person, and Case

      We start Unit 1 with a review of three grammatical features. Sometimes, making subjects and their verbs or nouns and their antecedents agree in English can seem difficult, so this review will provide a basic understanding of how this agreement happens. These materials include information about grammar features to keep in mind for subject-verb agreement. After you read the explanations and watch the videos to learn about verbs, you will have a chance to test your understanding by completing practice activities.

    • 1.2: Sentence Agreement – Let's Practice

      Now that we know how to create agreement in our sentences in English, let's put our knowledge into practice.

    • 1.3: Sentence Agreement – Let's Apply

      Now that you know about sentence agreement, let's see if we can easily identify those features in a text.

    • 1.4: Tense Consistency

      In this part of Unit 1, we look at how we use verb tense to maintain sentence agreement. Using a consistent verb tense means using the same tense for verbs in a sentence or paragraph. When writing or editing, be sure to keep using the same tense and not change it unless you have a strong reason to do so. These materials include information about maintaining verb consistency when writing sentences and paragraphs. After you read the explanations and watch the videos to learn about tense consistency, you will have a chance to test your understanding by completing practice activities.

    • 1.5: Tense Consistency – Let's Practice

      Now that we know how to avoid unnecessary tense shifts when writing, let's put our knowledge into practice.

    • 1.6: Tense Consistency – Let's Apply

      Now that we know how to avoid unnecessary tense shifts when writing, let's put our knowledge into practice.

    • 1.7: Putting It All Together

      You have learned about important sentence agreement guidelines to write clear sentences in English. This is a lot to take in, for sure! This section will help you review what you learned in Unit 1.

    • Unit 1 Assessment

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