• Unit 9: Speaking to an Online Audience

    You may be asked to deliver a presentation online, which can take on various forms. However, online presentations contain most, if not all, of the elements of presenting that we have studied so far. As we will explore in more detail in Unit 10, your presentation aids should be the same regardless of the delivery method. You should incorporate the same elements of presentation style we have discussed throughout this course.

    The particular format of your delivery largely depends on the technology your audience has available. In this unit, we examine some common online environments and technical guidelines you should follow to ensure a smooth and professional delivery.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.

    • 9.1: Presenting Online

      First, let's review an overview of online public speaking. Then, we explore three broad categories of digital presentation environments: live, recorded, and webinars. During a live presentation, you meet with your audience during the same or "real" time (synchronously) via audio or video conferencing. Some use the phrase teleconferencing. A recorded presentation is delivered and watched by the audience at a later time (asynchronously). Webinars are presented to a "live" digital audience but are usually recorded for those who want to watch them later.

    • 9.2: Guidelines for Online Presentations

      While many presentation formats are available, some general guidelines can help you use some standard features. The preparation advice we have discussed so far still applies!

    • 9.3: Lighting

      Most webinar platforms allow you to use the camera on your computer so your audience can see you during your presentation. Consider adjusting your camera location, lights, and microphone to maximize quality. Make sure your room is lit appropriately, with all light sources originating from behind the camera, so you do not appear as a shadow. Also, ensure the camera can focus clearly on all the people and items that will be part of your presentation that you want your audience to see.

    • 9.4: Background

      Whether presenting from your office or home, focus your camera on a blank wall space to eliminate distractions. If that is not possible, clean up your office shelves and remove any mess from your camera shot. You do not want to include anything that will distract your audience from their connection with you and your message.

      Taking your surroundings seriously demonstrates you are fully present to your audience. Put the cat in another room, the dog outside, the kids next door, and attach a sign to your door that communicates your need for privacy. Avoid anything that can make noise, including your phone, doorbell, air conditioning unit, and street traffic. Finally, close out any personal and irrelevant applications on your computer that could interrupt your presentation, such as email or messaging alerts.

    • 9.5: Sound and Vocal Delivery

      Test your sound equipment to ensure it works how you want it to. For example, some microphones garble or distort your voice if you speak too loudly or sit too far away. Some limit your range or voice dynamics. You may need to ask your audience to adjust their volume controls if your microphone does not adequately broadcast your voice.

    • 9.6: Eye Contact

      Making proper eye contact with your audience during an online presentation can be difficult. Often, you will want to look down at your computer rather than at your webcam to view your slides, monitor the conference chat room, and watch for your audience's reactions. Try to look directly into the camera, as if you are looking into your audience's eyes. Glance briefly at your screen occasionally to check audience reactions and monitor other aspects of your presentation. When you receive a comment or question, it is better to look at your computer monitor to gather more information from your questioner and get a better message.

    • 9.7: Movement

      How you hold yourself reveals your feelings about the topic and the presentation. It is easy to forget people are watching you when you are alone in a room with a camera. Maintain a strong posture and avoid leaning back in your chair or slouching on your desk. Keep your back straight and maintain eye contact with the camera. Glance at your audience to read their feedback, but present to the camera as much as possible to help them feel you are presenting directly to them.

      Keep in mind that your space is limited, and small movements can take you out of the picture. Do not place your hands in front of your face because it will hide you from your audience. Also, because the camera's scene is so small, your movements will be amplified onscreen. Limit your movements as much as possible, but make sure any gestures you wish to display are within the camera's viewing area.

    • 9.8: Using Visual Aids during an Online Presentation

      The particular technology you use will dictate how you can integrate your presentation aids with your spoken words. For example, most webinar platforms allow you to switch the visual display so your audience can see your presentation aids and webcam images. However, some only allow you to display your presentation aids.

      Make sure the software you use to create your presentation aids is compatible with the webinar platform and displays the presentation the way you want. Also, make sure you are familiar with the particular platform you will use in case you need to make any last-minute adjustments to comply with a new format. In Unit 10, we will explore how to use your presentation aids in online and face-to-face formats in more detail.