More on Bitcoin Transactions

Transaction Outputs and Inputs

Transaction Inputs

Transaction inputs identify (by reference) which UTXO will be consumed and provide proof of ownership through an unlocking script.

To build a transaction, a wallet selects from the UTXO it controls, UTXO with enough value to make the requested payment. Sometimes one UTXO is enough, other times more than one is needed. For each UTXO that will be consumed to make this payment, the wallet creates one input pointing to the UTXO and unlocks it with an unlocking script.

Let's look at the components of an input in greater detail. The first part of an input is a pointer to an UTXO by reference to the transaction hash and an output index, which identifies the specific UTXO in that transaction. The second part is an unlocking script, which the wallet constructs in order to satisfy the spending conditions set in the UTXO. Most often, the unlocking script is a digital signature and public key proving ownership of the bitcoin. However, not all unlocking scripts contain signatures. The third part is a sequence number, which will be discussed later.

Consider our example in Transactions – Behind the Scenes. The transaction inputs are an array (list) called vin:

"vin": [
    "txid": "7957a35fe64f80d234d76d83a2a8f1a0d8149a41d81de548f0a65a8a999f6f18",
    "vout": 0,
    "scriptSig" : "3045022100884d142d86652a3f47ba4746ec719bbfbd040a570b1deccbb6
    f6e3813[ALL] 0484ecc0d46f1918b30928fa0e4ed99f16a0fb4fde0735e7ade8416ab9fe42
    "sequence": 4294967295


The transaction inputs in Alice's transaction. As you can see, there is only one input in the list (because one UTXO contained sufficient value to make this payment). The input contains four elements:

  • A transaction ID, referencing the transaction that contains the UTXO being spent
  • An output index (vout), identifying which UTXO from that transaction is referenced (first one is zero)
  • A scriptSig, which satisfies the conditions placed on the UTXO, unlocking it for spending
  • A sequence number (to be discussed later)

In Alice's transaction, the input points to the transaction ID:


and output index 0 (i.e., the first UTXO created by that transaction). The unlocking script is constructed by Alice's wallet by first retrieving the referenced UTXO, examining its locking script, and then using it to build the necessary unlocking script to satisfy it.

Looking just at the input you may have noticed that we don't know anything about this UTXO, other than a reference to the parent transaction containing it. We don't know its value (amount in satoshi), and we don't know the locking script that sets the conditions for spending it. To find this information, we must retrieve the referenced UTXO by retrieving the parent transaction that contains it. Notice that because the value of the input is not explicitly stated, we must also use the referenced UTXO in order to calculate the fees that will be paid in this transaction.

It's not just Alice's wallet that needs to retrieve UTXO referenced in the inputs. Once this transaction is broadcast to the network, every validating node will also need to retrieve the UTXO referenced in the transaction inputs in order to validate the transaction.

  "vout": [
     "value": 0.10000000,
     "scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 7f9b1a7fb68d60c536c2fd8aeaa53a8f3cc025a8 

Transactions on their own seem incomplete because they lack context. They reference UTXO in their inputs but without retrieving that UTXO we cannot know the value of the inputs or their locking conditions. When writing bitcoin software, anytime you decode a transaction with the intent of validating it or counting the fees or checking the unlocking script, your code will first have to retrieve the referenced UTXO from the blockchain in order to build the context implied but not present in the UTXO references of the inputs. For example, to calculate the amount paid in fees, you must know the sum of the values of inputs and outputs. But without retrieving the UTXO referenced in the inputs, you do not know their value. So a seemingly simple operation like counting fees in a single transaction in fact involves multiple steps and data from multiple transactions.

We can use the same sequence of commands with Bitcoin Core as we used when retrieving Alice's transaction (getrawtransaction and decoderawtransaction). With that we can get the UTXO referenced in the input from Alice's transaction and take a look:

UTXO from the previous transaction, referenced in the input from Alice's transaction

We see that this UTXO has a value of 0.1 BTC and that it has a locking script (scriptPubKey) that contains "OP_DUP OP_HASH160…".

Tip: To fully understand Alice's transaction we had to retrieve the previous transaction referenced as input. A function that retrieves previous transactions and unspent transaction outputs is very common and exists in almost every bitcoin library and API.