More on Bitcoin Transactions

Transaction Outputs and Inputs

Transaction serialization – inputs

When transactions are serialized for transmission on the network, their inputs are encoded into a byte stream as shown in Transaction input serialization.

Table 2. Transaction input serialization

Size Field Description

32 bytes

Transaction Hash

Pointer to the transaction containing the UTXO to be spent

4 bytes

Output Index

The index number of the UTXO to be spent; first one is 0

1–9 bytes (VarInt)

Unlocking-Script Size

Unlocking-Script length in bytes, to follow



A script that fulfills the conditions of the UTXO locking script

4 bytes

Sequence Number

Used for locktime or disabled (0xFFFFFFFF)


As with the outputs, let's see if we can find the inputs from Alice's transaction in the serialized format. First, the inputs decoded:

"vin": [
    "txid": "7957a35fe64f80d234d76d83a2a8f1a0d8149a41d81de548f0a65a8a999f6f18",
    "vout": 0,
    "scriptSig" : "3045022100884d142d86652a3f47ba4746ec719bbfbd040a570b1deccb
    9db8f6e3813[ALL] 0484ecc0d46f1918b30928fa0e4ed99f16a0fb4fde0735e7ade8416a
    "sequence": 4294967295


Now, let's see if we can identify these fields in the serialized hex encoding in Alice's transaction, serialized and presented in hexadecimal notation:


Example 2. Alice’s transaction, serialized and presented in hexadecimal notation

7b4a10fa336a8d752adfffffffff0260e31600000000001976a914ab6 8025513c3dbd2f7b92a94e0581f5d50f654e788acd0ef800000000000
1976a9147f9b1a7fb68d60c536c2fd8aeaa53a8f3cc025a888ac00000 000


  • The transaction ID is serialized in reversed byte order, so it starts with (hex) 18 and ends with 79
  • The output index is a 4-byte group of zeros, easy to identify
  • The length of the scriptSig is 139 bytes, or 8b in hex
  • The sequence number is set to FFFFFFFF, again easy to identify

ScriptSig is a specific type of unlocking script that when serialized for transmission on the network, inputs are encoded into a byte stream as shown in ScriptSig input serialization. The serialization of the signature field is detailed in Serialization of signatures (DER). The signature field also includes a Signature Hash Type (SIGHASH), which is detailed in ignature Hash Types (SIGHASH).


Table 3. ScriptSig input serialization

Size Field Description

1–9 bytes (VarInt)

Signature Size

Signature length in bytes, to follow



A signature that is produced by the user's wallet from his or her private key, which includes a SIGHASH

1–9 bytes (VarInt)

Public Key Size

Public key length in bytes, to follow


Public Key

The public key, unhashed