Practice Problems

Practice Problems


1. between 11 (using left endpoints of intervals) and 6 (using right endpoints)

3. between 4 (using left endpoints of intervals) and 6 (using right endpoints)

5. Using left endpoint widths: (0)(40)+(70)(40)+(55)(40)+(90)(40)+(130)(40)+(115)(40)=18,400 \mathrm{ft}^{2}

Right endpoint widths (70,55, \ldots) and average widths (70 / 2,125 / 2, \ldots) give the same result 18,400 \mathrm{ft}^{2}. All of these are reasonable methods for estimating the area of the island.

7. 9

9. 1

11. \frac{1}{2} \cdot \mathrm{e}^{2}-\frac{3}{2}

13. \frac{1}{32} \pi^{2}+\frac{1}{4} \pi-\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}

15. e^{2}-3

17. 3-\frac{\pi}{4}

19. Estimate using midpoints of unit intervals: \frac{1}{4}\{\mathrm{f}(1)(1)+\mathrm{f}(2)(1)+\mathrm{f}(3)(1)+\mathrm{f}(4)(1)\}=\frac{19}{4}. About \frac{19}{4}.

21. Estimate using midpoints of unit intervals: \frac{1}{2}\{\mathrm{f}(2)(1)+\mathrm{f}(3)(1)\}=5. About 5.

23. \text { average } \approx 1

25. \text { average } \approx \frac{11}{5}

27. \text { average }=5

29. \text { average }=\frac{13}{3}

31. \text { average }=\frac{2}{\pi}


(a) \mathrm{C}=1: \text { average }=\frac{2}{3}

(b) \mathrm{C}=9: \text { average }=2

(c) \mathrm{C}=81: \text { average }=6

(d) \mathrm{C}=100: \text { average }=\frac{20}{3}

In general, \text { average }=\frac{2}{3} \sqrt{\mathrm{C}}.


(a) Graphically, \text { average } \approx 3000 \cdot 1000 \frac{\text { calls }}{\text { hour }}=\frac{3000000}{60} \frac{\text { calls }}{\mathrm{min}} \approx 50,000 \frac{\text { calls }}{\mathrm{min}}

(b) About 58,333 \frac{\text { calls }}{\mathrm{min}}


(a) Similar to Example 5: \text { work }=1,950 \text { foot-pounds }

(b) \text { work }=1,312.5 \text { foot-pounds }


(a) \text { work } = 1,200 foot–pounds

(b) \text { work }=600 \text { foot-pounds }

(c) \text { work }=400 \text { foot-pounds }

41. \text { work }=1,275 \text { foot-pounds }