Measures of Central Location

Measures of Variability


1. R=3, s^{2}=1.7, s=1.3

3. R=6, s^{2}=7. \overline{3}, s=2.7

5. R=6, s^{2}=7.3, s=2.7.

7. R=30, s^{2}=103.2, s=10.2.

9. \bar{x}=28.55, s=1.3.

11. a. \bar{x}=2063, \widetilde{x}=2000, mode =2000.

b. R=3400.

c. s=869.

13. All are 17.

15. \{1,1,1\}

17. One example is \{-.5,0,.5\}.

19. a. R=1350 and s=212.5455

b. R=4.00 and s=0.7407

21. a. R=4.00 and \sigma=0.740375

b. R=3.04 and s=0.808045

c. R=2.49 and s=0.657843