Case Study on Human Behavior

Suggestions and Recommendations

As a result of analysis, the current scientific enquiry puts-forth the following suggestions and recommendations;

  • Establishing new outlets, especially for essential durables, in the selected districts may be ensured to lubricate the wheels of the giant distribution channel. Extending after-sale services, whenever and wherever necessary, will certainly add new feathers to this marketing phenomenon and make it colorful.
  • Ensuring Comfort and Convenience by making the right durables available at the right time at the right place for the consumers will boost their sales volume. In turn, the profit margin of the firm is anticipated to magnify with augmentation of satisfaction of the consumers.
  • Hire purchase and Installment system may be encouraged to facilitate the aspirant buyers of the selected durables. This will entail credit purchases of those durables.
  • Retailers may assist the consumers honestly by providing/disseminating the reliable information about the durables on sale. This will enhance loyalty and trustworthiness among the consumers towards the retailers' recommendation of the products.