Investing in Human Capital

Investment into human resources

Investment into education of company's human resources

In economic theory, investments in education of the employees are the most common assessment of the investment in connection with the analysis of investment in human capital. The development of required skills of the employees is mostly provided by two key elements: personality training and education. Personality training can be understood as the process of creating the personality of an individual. Education is a form of development and shaping of the personality of an individual. These two elements represent important components of the activities of personnel management. Personnel management, by influencing behaviour and skills of employees, seeks to effectively achieve the objectives within the frame of the company's strategies. In this process, creation of suitable conditions for the implementation of individual education of employees, organised informal learning and quality corporate learning system play the most important role. Further, the business system of education in the broader sense focuses on the formation of working skills and social characteristics essential for creating healthy personal relationships of the employees. This is a repeating cycle based on the objectives of the corporate strategy and also based on the principles of corporate training policy. This cycle further relies on organisational and other business conditions of education. It consists of four phases of the long-term process of effective training and development, as presented in Figure 2.


Figure 2. Four phases of the effective training and development in the company.

In order to effectively evaluate investments into human resources, it is necessary to carefully plan company's educational and development activities. A common problem, however, is usually insufficient budget for the required scope of education, training, and other activities. The lack of subventions is also the main reason why trainings are carried out irregularly. There are two ways of investment into human resources: companies may choose internal (intra-unit) and external (outside the enterprise) form of education. Each of these options has their advantages and disadvantages. The internal form of education, which includes coaching, assisting, working on projects, internal briefing in the performance of work, and so on, is by the majority of businesses considered to be a more effective form. On the other hand, the main obstacle to application of this form is usually a lack of the required volume of financial resources and a lack of suitable trainers. External form of education, carried out outside a company, is also considered to be faster and easier. The problem may occur if the supply institution misunderstands requirements, which immediately reflects in the amount and structure of the expected total return by investing in human capital of the company.