Contingency Approach

Leadership and Task/Follower Characteristics: House

The Path-Goal theory argues that a leader's role is to help followers achieve both personal and organizational goals.


  • Identify the leadership and task/follower characteristics identified by Robert House in the Path-Goal theory (1971)


    • In the Path-Goal model as defined by House, the role of the leader is to help followers define personal goals, understand organizational goals, and find a path to reach both.
    • House defined four leadership styles: directive, achievement-oriented, participative, and supportive.
    • Outstanding Leadership Theory is an extension of the Path-Goal model that adds leadership behaviors required to channel follower motivations and goals toward the leader's vision.


  • Outstanding Leadership Theory

    A model that defines ten traits that exceptional leaders possess; an expansion of the Path-Goal model.

  • Path-Goal theory

    A leadership model outlining the role of the leader as helping followers define personal and organizational goals and find a path to reach those goals.

In 1971, Robert House introduced his version of a contingent theory of leadership known as the Path-Goal theory. According to House's theory, leaders' behavior is contingent upon the satisfaction, motivation, and performance of their subordinates. House argued that the goal of the leader is to help followers identify their personal goals as well as understand the organization's goals and find the path that will best help them achieve both. Because individual motivations and goals differ, leaders must modify their approach to fit the situation.