An Overview of Demand Management through Demand Supply Chain

Demand Side of the Apparel Chain

Design and R and D

Design is the core feature of a brand by which it distinguishes themselves from others. Design is usually done by focal companies in the SC which is either completed in-house or by design firms where the design process first analyse the consumer need and motive as Sen adds. The information often collected from the fabric exhibitions, fashion shows, trade shows which are getting importance nowadays as recent years have seen fashion retailers compete with others by ensuring speed to market with their ability to provide rapidly the fashion trends revealed by fashion shows and runways. Mutual co-operation with the fabric or apparel manufacturers are also not uncommon. By collecting the idea for designing, brand owners initiate the product development process which is according to Cao et al. includes research and design. Commercially viable design and product development process is critical for demand fulfillment and growth and also for efficient SC operation. As the manufacturing operations are outsourced by most, it is critical that the designs are producible efficiently. The change of design during manufacturing is impractical and expensive.

Seuring argues that sometimes product design & development integrate to either side of the SC, i.e. they perform some stages of production or distribution and sell the apparel they buy from suppliers. In a competitive fashion business condition the lead time is compressed exceedingly both for sample making and bulk production. Prototypes are required to produce much faster than before as it consumes a considerable amount of time according to Sen. The correction of design and remaking of new sample also complicates and lengthens the process. Some of the designing process is comprehensive as brands involved in developing fabrics or even fibres rather than just selecting materials. Trendy products often required a considerable amount of embellishment work which is subject to trial and error. Therefore a continuous product development process is quite common for the brands. Prototypes are finalized after necessary corrections followed by preparation of production samples. It is worth mentioning that the prototypes are prepared by the suppliers in general.