Buffer Capacity

TR and ABL results

To show the global effect of each pattern on TR and simplify the analysis, average TR results for experiments with different P_{A} were calculated. For instance, results for a balanced P_{A}(-) were calculated as the average TR of experiments with patterns (-,-),(-, /),(-,),(-, \Lambda, and (-, \mathrm{V}). Furthermore, as TR results have very different magnitudes for different \varepsilon and \alpha values, Fig. 2 shows "normalised" TR results (nTR), which were calculated by dividing the average TR results of each P_{A} by the average overall TR value of all experiments with the same N, \varepsilon, \alpha and \mathrm{BC} values. It is worth noting that results regarding \mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{B}} are not shown as they were equivalent. Full TR results with their corresponding Dunnett's and Tukey's tests results can be found in the "A ppendix", Tables 4 and 5 , respectively.

Fig. 2 nTR results for P_A with a N = 5, b N = 8 and c N = 11

Results shown in Fig. 2 suggest that the performance of buffer allocation patterns is highly dependent on the values of N,
    \varepsilon and \alpha. For example, the ascending P_{A}(/) performed very well with \varepsilon=70 \%, which was only outperformed by the balanced pattern when B C = 6 and \alpha <
    3 for lines with N \geq 8. Figure 2 also suggests that the balanced pattern performs better with increasing values of \mathrm{N},
    \mathrm{BC} and \varepsilon, while the ascending pattern performs better with decreasing values of N, B C and \varepsilon, and increasing values of \alpha. These results are also confirmed by Tables 4 and 5, as experiments with the pattern (/ , /) were found to have statistically significant differences with the control (balanced pattern) only when \varepsilon = 70 \%. Thus, increasing values of \varepsilon resulted in lesser relative differences among the patterns, suggesting that the effect of buffer allocation patterns on TR is highly dependent on the reliability of the machines.

On the other hand, the descending P_{A} ( \ ) was the worst pattern in terms of TR for all scenarios, a result confrmed by Tables 4 and 5 as experiments with the pattern (\ , \) had the lowest TR in all experimental conditions. Interestingly, the bowl (V) and inverted bowl patterns (\Lambda) changed their relative performance with increasing N values, since the (\Lambda) pattern was almost on par with the good performance of (-) when N = 8 for some scenarios; whereas the (V) pattern seemed to have an overall good performance for scenarios with \mathrm{N}=11, \mathrm{BC}=6 and \alpha \geq 2.

Similar to Fig. 2, Fig 3 shows the normalised ABL results (nABL) showing the relative performance in each experimental scenario (different values of N, \varepsilon, \alpha and BC) per P_A.

Fig. 3 nABL results for P_A with a N = 5, b N = 8 and c N = 11

Figure 3 suggests that ABL results are more consistent than TR results in terms of P_A performance, since the ascending pattern is always the best-performing (with lower ABL) and the descending pattern is always the worst. Tables 6 and 7 in the "Appendix" confirm this conclusion by showing that the best pattern in terms of ABL for all scenarios is (/,/), while the worst pattern for almost all scenarios is (\,\). Contrary to the interaction effect between P_A and \varepsilon on TR, higher values of \varepsilon resulted in a higher influence of P_A on ABL, especially with lower values of N.

The Analysis of Variance test (Table 2) shows that both reliability-related factors (\varepsilon and \alpha) have the highest influence on TR, followed by BC and the interaction between \varepsilon and \alpha. As seen in Figs. 2 and 3, the interactions between BP and BC, N, \varepsilon and \alpha are also significant, albeit they have a lower effect on TR when compared to single factors. For ABL, BC is the most important factor, followed by BP and the interaction between BP and BC. Therefore, the performance of ABL is more dependent on selecting a good (bad) pattern.

Table 2 Analysis of variance test for TR and ABL

Factor TR Factor ABL
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F)
ε 1 17771 17771 4.43E+07 0 BC 1 494955 494955 5.72E+07 0
α 1 1567 1567 3.91E+06 0 ε 1 3313 3313 3.83E+05 0
BC 1 425 425 1.06E+06 0 α 1 2031 2031 2.35E+05 0
ε:α 1 231 231 5.75E+05 0 PP 24 19032 793 9.16E+04 0
N 1 155 155 3.86E+05 0 BC:ε 1 750 750 8.66E+04 0
BC:ε:α 1 25 25 6.27E+04 0 BC:α 1 544 544 6.28E+04 0
N:α 1 20 20 4.93E+04 0 PP:BC 24 6037 252 2.91E+04 0
BC:ε 1 11 11 2.80E+04 0 N:ε 1 90 90 1.04E+04 0
N:ε:α 1 6 6 1.60E+04 0 N 1 44 44 5.10E+03 0
BC:N 1 2 2 3.82E+03 0 PP:N 24 1008 42 4.85E+03 0
PP 24 14 1 1.47E+03 0 BC:N 1 35 35 4.03E+03 0
BC:α 1 1 1 2.99E+03 0 ε:α 1 28 28 3.20E+03 0
PP:BC 24 1 0 5.35E+01 0 BC:N:ε 1 22 22 2.53E+03 0
PP:N 24 1 0 1.02E+02 0 PP:α 24 484 20 2.33E+03 0
PP:ε 24 1 0 9.49E+01 0 PP:ε 24 460 19 2.22E+03 0
N:ε 1 0 0 2.14E+02 0 N:ε:α 1 15 15 1.68E+03 0
PP:α 24 1 0 7.25E+01 0 PP:BC:N 24 346 14 1.67E+03 0
PP:BC:N 24 0 0 9.89E+00 0 PP:BC:α 24 135 6 6.50E+02 0
PP:BC:ε 24 0 0 1.09E+01 0 BC:N:α 1 5 5 5.66E+02 0
PP:N:ε 24 0 0 2.91E+00 2.37E−04 PP:BC:ε 24 104 4 5.00E+02 0
BC:N:ε 1 0 0 7.59E+02 0 N:α 1 3 3 3.00E+02 0
PP:BC:α 24 0 0 9.60E+00 0 PP:ε:α 24 83 3 4.02E+02 0
PP:N:α 24 0 0 9.08E+00 0 BC:N:ε:α 1 2 2 2.18E+02 0
BC:N:α 1 0 0 8.62E+02 0 PP:N:ε 24 21 1 1.02E+02 0
PP:ε:α 24 1 0 1.09E+02 0 PP:N:α 24 13 1 6.11E+01 0
PP:BC:N:ε 24 0 0 3.43E−01 0.999 BC:ε:α 1 1 1 9.43E+01 0
PP:BC:N:α 24 0 0 1.10E+00 0.337 PP:BC:ε:α 24 25 1 1.22E+02 0
PP:BC:ε:α 24 0 0 3.26E+01 0 PP:N:ε:α 24 20 1 9.75E+01 0
PP:N:ε:α 24 0 0 1.20E+01 0 PP:BC:N:ε 24 10 0 4.95E+01 0
BC:N:ε:α 1 0 0 8.91E+01 0 PP:BC:N:α 24 5 0 2.46E+01 0
PP:BC:N:ε:α 24 0 0 3.76E+00 1.33E−07 PP:BC:N:ε:α 24 11 0 5.39E+01 0
Residuals 314600 126 0     Residuals 314600 2724 0