Buffer Capacity

Profit results

While TR and ABL results are relevant in isolation for some firms with a concern for either maximising revenue or minimising inventory costs, most firms are more interested in finding a balance between revenue and costs via a profit function. For this reason, studying the effect of buffer allocation patterns on the combined performance of TR and ABL provides a deeper insight into the implications of unbalanced buffer allocation.

Consequently, the profit function (Z), defined in Eq. (3), was used to study the combined performance of TR and ABL, as it takes into consideration inventory holding costs and buffer capacity investment/maintenance costs while generating revenue via the production rate. Therefore, the best pattern for different values of N, \varepsilon and \alpha will be the pattern which sufficiently increases TR, outweighing the costs of ABL and BC.

For each merging line configuration (with equal values of N, B C, \varepsilon and \alpha ), there is one pattern that achieves the highest \mathrm{TR}\left(\mathrm{BP}_{\max T R}\right) and one pattern that generates the lowest \mathrm{ABL} \left(\mathrm{BP}_{minABL}\right). However, finding which of the two is the best in terms of Z will depend on whether TR or ABL carries more "weight" in the profit function. Such weight is measured by h (the inventory holding cost). Therefore, to determine the threshold holding cost \left(h_{\circ}\right) under which \mathrm{BP}_{\operatorname{maxTR}} produces the same performance as \mathrm{BP}_{\min A B L}, the profits resulting from each pattern were equalled as follows:


where Z_{B P_{\max T R}} is the profit resulting from the buffer allocation pattern attaining the maximum TR, T R_{B P_{\max T R}} is the maximum TR per scenario, A B L_{B P_{\max T R}} is the ABL resulting from the BP that reached maximum TR, BC is the average buffer capacity for a particular experimental scenario; Z_{B P_{\min A B L}} is the profit obtained from the BP with minimum ABL, A B L_{B P_{\min A B L}} is the minimum ABL per scenario, and T R_{B P_{\min A B L}} is the TR generated from using the BP which resulted in the minimum ABL.

Since the term iBC is equal for both sides of the equation when BC is equal among experiments; then,

h_{0}=\frac{T R_{B P_{\max } T R}-T R_{B P_{\min A B L}}}{A B L_{B P_{\max } T R}-A B L_{B P_{\min A B L}}}

This means that when h > h_{\circ} for a particular manufacturing environment, BP_{minABL} has a higher Z than \mathrm{BP}_{\operatorname{maxTR}} because the system is better off minimising holding costs, as they are too high to overcome with higher TR; whereas when h < h_{\circ}, \mathrm{BP}_{\max \mathrm{TR}} will result in higher Z than \mathrm{BP}_{\min A B L} because inventory holding costs are not as penalising. For example, an h_{\circ}= 0.019 shown in Fig. 4a for \mathrm{N}=11, \mathrm{BC}=6, \varepsilon=70 \% and \alpha = 1, means that if h=0.02, \mathrm{BP}_{\min A B L} (/ , /) has a higher Z than \mathrm{BP}_{\max \mathrm{TR}}(-,-) since

Z_{(/ /)}=0.2812-0.02(2.7279)=0.2266 > Z_{(-,-)}=0.3010-0.02(3.7827)=0.2253; whereas if h=0.018, \mathrm{BP}_{\min \mathrm{ABL}}(/ /) has a lower Z than \mathrm{BP}_{\operatorname{maxTR}}(-,-) since

Z_{(/ /)}=0.2812-0.018(2.7279)=0.2321 < Z_{(-,-)}=0.3010-0.018(3.7827)=0.2329

Fig. 4 a h_{\circ} and b i_{\circ} values for all experimental scenarios

Similar to the notion of h_{\circ}, a threshold investment/maintenance cost \left(i_{\circ}\right) was calculated in order to assess at which point additional buffer capacity starts to be too costly to justify its additional output in terms of TR, as it has been shown that higher buffer capacity results in higher TR. In order to calculate i_{\circ} it was assumed that Z was equal for scenarios with equal N, \varepsilon and \alpha values, but different BC values. It was also assumed that h was equal to zero in order to have a straightforward reference point for analysing the buffer capacity investment costs. Thus,

TR_{{BPminABL,{\text{BC}}_{2} }} - i_{0} {\text{BC}}_{2} = TR_{{BPminABL,{\text{BC}}_{6} }} - i_{0} {\text{BC}}_{6}

where TR_{BPminABL,BC2} is the TR reached for a BC = 2 while applying BP_{minABL} and TR_{BPminABL,BC6} is the TR reached for a BC = 6 using BP_{minABL} for a specific scenario.


i_{0} = \frac{{TR_{{{\text{BC}}_{6} }} - TR_{{{\text{BC}}_{2} }} }}{6 - 2}

It is worth noting that all variables in Eqs. (6) and (7) consider experimental scenarios with equal values of N, \varepsilon and \alpha. Moreover, BP_{minABL} was selected as the pattern considered for these equations because the BP with minimum experimental ABL produces the highest Z when h = 0.

Thus, lower i_{\circ} values for a given set of N, \varepsilon and \alpha values represent higher penalties for investing in higher buffer capacity, while higher i_{\circ} values depict lower profit penalties with high i values. Similarly to h_{\circ}, a higher value of i than i_{\circ} for a given line configuration suggests that it is more profitable not to invest in higher buffer capacity, i.e. stay at \mathrm{BC}=2; whereas a lower value of i than i_{\circ} means that it is profitable to invest in the additional 4 buffer spaces, i.e. a \mathrm{BC}=6. For instance, an i_{\circ}=0.010 shown in Fig. 4b for \mathrm{N}=5, \varepsilon=70 \% and \alpha=3, means that a buffer investment/maintenance cost of i=0.011 results in a decision of staying with \mathrm{BC}=2 as Z_{B C=2}=0.2055-0.011(2)=0.1835 > Z_{B C=6}=0.2438-0.011(6)=0.1777; whereas if i=0.009, then \mathrm{BC}=6 is more profitable than \mathrm{BC}=2 since

Z_{B C=2}=0.2055-0.009(2)=0.1875 < Z_{B C=6}=0.2438-0.009(6)=0.1898.

Results from Fig. 4a show that higher values of N resulted in higher values of h_{\circ}, which suggests that patterns that increase TR are more relevant for longer lines than for shorter lines; whereas patterns that reduce ABL produce better overall results for shorter lines in terms of Z. Furthermore, higher values of \varepsilon and lower values of \alpha (shorter MTTF and MTTR) result in higher values for h_{\circ}, suggesting that higher machine reliability results in a reduced impact of inventory holding costs.

Further analysis of Fig. 4 a shows that scenarios with smaller buffer capacity (\mathrm{BC}=2) have lower values of h_{\circ}, suggesting that profit in these scenarios is highly penalised by ABL and that a pattern that reduces ABL produces higher Z for most inventory holding costs values. The opposite is true for scenarios with \mathrm{BC}=6, since Z is less penalised by \mathrm{ABL} as \mathrm{BP}_{\text {maxTR }} (the pattern producing the maximum TR) results in a higher Z even for higher values of h. This suggests that the extra TR produced by the extra ABL (resulting from higher BC capacity) allows for \mathrm{BP}_{\max T R} to be more relevant when \mathrm{BC}=6. An h_{\circ}=0 indicates that the corresponding scenario, e.g. N=5, \varepsilon=70.0 \%, \alpha=2 and B C=2, produces the highest profit by selecting the buffer allocation pattern that reduces \mathrm{ABL}, irrespective of the value of h.

The only exception to this general h_{\circ} behaviour occurs in scenarios with reliable merging lines (\varepsilon=100 \%), or with N=11, \varepsilon=90.9 \% and \alpha=1, since h_{\circ} is higher for scenarios with B C=2 than for experiments with \mathrm{BC}=6. This might be due to the fact that the added \mathrm{ABL} produced by higher BC capacity does not result in a sufficiently additional TR to overcome the inventory holding costs. Therefore, for reliable lines with \mathrm{BC}=2, \mathrm{BP}_{\max T R} is more relevant than \mathrm{BP}_{\min A B L} with respect to Z.

Results regarding i_{\circ} (see Fig. 4b ) suggest that higher values of \alpha (longer MTTF and MTTR) produce a higher investment/maintenance penalty (lower i_{\circ} values) for systems with higher buffer capacities, which means that the additional throughput produced by the added buffer capacity is more cost-effective for shorter MTTF and MTTR than for longer ones. Similarly, systems with \varepsilon=90.9 \% were less penalised in terms of profit by higher buffer capacities than systems with \varepsilon=70 \%, suggesting that the extra throughput produced by the increased buffer capacity is more cost-effective when reliability is 90.9 \% than when reliability equals 70 \%.

An exception to this observation occurred for the reliable merging lines results, as i_{\circ} values for reliable lines were lower than for experiments with \varepsilon=90.9 \% and \varepsilon=70.0 \% with \alpha=1, suggesting that even with low buffer capacity investment/maintenance costs, small buffer capacities will be better in terms of profit performance for reliable lines than larger buffer capacities. This result might be caused by the fact that the relative difference between the throughput generated by lines with small and big buffers is smaller for reliable lines than for unreliable ones. For instance, considering N=5 and a balanced B P(-,-), the increase in T R between a line with \mathrm{BC}=2 and a line with \mathrm{BC}=6, considering \varepsilon=70 \% and \alpha=1, is 28 \%; whereas for a reliable line with \varepsilon=100 \%, the relative increase in TR between a line with BC = 2 and a line with \mathrm{BC}=6 is only 4 \% (see Table 4 in the "Appendix").

In addition, Fig. 4b shows that longer merging lines result in higher i_{\circ} values, for the most part, suggesting that longer lines could be less sensitive in terms of Z to higher buffer capacity investment/maintenance costs than shorter lines.

Finally, to investigate the relationship between h and i values in terms of the profit function for different buffer capacity investments levels, Fig. 5 shows a comparison of the suface plots of Z between merging lines with BC = 2 (in blue) and merging lines with BC = 6 (in orange) for various values of h and i, taking N = 5 as an example.

Fig. 5 Z function surface plots for \mathrm{BC}=2 (blue) and \mathrm{BC}=6 (orange) for different values of h and i considering experiments with \mathrm{N}=5 and \mathbf{a} \varepsilon=70.0 \%, \alpha=1, \mathbf{b} \varepsilon = 70.0 \%, \alpha=2, c \varepsilon=70.0 \%, \alpha=3, d \varepsilon=90.9 \%, \alpha=1, e \varepsilon=90.9 \%, \alpha=2, f \varepsilon=90.9 \%, \alpha=3, and g \varepsilon=100 \%, \alpha=0 (colour figure online)

Figure 5 shows similar results than those for Fig. 4b by suggesting that highly unreliable scenarios with longer MTTF and MTTR (e.g. Fig. 5c) scenario are more sensitive to higher costs than moderately unreliable scenarios with shorter MTTR and MTTR (see, e.g. Fig. 5d). Thus, a bigger buffer capacity (BC = 6) is only more profitable than a smaller buffer capacity (BC = 2) when very low costs (both h and i) are present and when lower unreliability exists. Again, a reliable system is the exception, as a smaller buffer capacity is almost always more profitable in reliable scenarios (see Fig. 5g: the blue surface (BC = 2) is "above" the orange surface (BC = 6) for most of the values of h and i).

Note that results pertaining to merging lines with N = 8 and N = 11 are not shown as they are very similar to the ones presented in Fig. 5 and follow the same general pattern as in Fig. 4, i.e. the profit in longer lines is less penalised by inventory-related costs than for shorter lines. Furthermore, in order to reach the highest possible Z values for Fig. 5, the best pattern for the corresponding h values was considered. That is, for values lower than h_{\circ}, BP_{maxTR} was used in the calculation of Z, whereas for values higher or equal to h_{\circ}, BP_{minABL} was considered.