Designing an Assembly Line for Reliability

The Algorithm

Our proposed two-stage procedure with sequential generation of feasible solution and selection of final solution can be best described by the following algorithm.

1. Calculate the theoretical minimum number of workstations, N_{\min }, following the formula \sum_{i=1}^{K} \frac{\mu_{i}}{C} \leq N_{\min } \leq \sum_{i=1}^{K} \frac{\mu_{i}}{C}+1. Calculate the minimum cycle time, C_{\text {min }}, using the relationship, C_{\min }=\left[\sum_{i=1}^{K} \frac{\mu_{i}}{N_{\min }}+1\right].

2. Set the trial cycle time C_{t} at C_{\min }.

3. Prepare the list of all unvisited tasks - call it List U.

4. Prepare List R from the tasks of List U with no immediate predecessor or whose immediate predecessors have been visited. The tasks of R are ready for selection.

5. Prepare List A from the task of List R having assembly time less than that of cycle time and is allowable for inclusion.

6. Randomly select a task from List A and reset the cycle time as {C_{t} assembly time}.

7. If cycle time is less than the assembly time, then open a new workstation. Reinitialize cycle time to its original value and repeat the above steps until all nodes are visited.

8. After getting the complete distribution of tasks to workstations, calculate R_{A L}, the reliability of the assembly line.

9. After each run, the new reliability value R_{A L} is compared with the previous R_{A L} value. If the new R_{A L} value is greater than the previous value, the new solution is stored as the basis for next comparison.

10. Increase the cycle time by one unit until it crosses C value. If C value is crossed, go to step 12.

11. Repeat step 2 to 10.

12. Check whether all the work elements have been assigned to specified number of work stations. If not, increase the value of N_{min} by 1 and go to step 2.

13. Print the best solution in terms of overall maximum reliability.