Using Lean Manufacturing Tools

2. Materials and methods

After examining the different continuous improvement methods available, it was decided to use those associated with "lean manufacturing" to improve the production process of the M300 wheel hub. The Kaizen framework was chosen to guide all the improvements. The project was done in seven steps as follows:

  • Phase 1: Creation of Kaizen teams: Awareness and training on how Kaizen teams work. Training on "lean manufacturing" techniques, especially: 5S's, time loss analysis, standardized work, visual management. Training was also done on OEE (overall equipment effectiveness).
  • Phase 2: Initial situation assessment of work stations, using photographic evidence, data, and analysis.
  • Phase 3: Definition and approval of workplan: each Kaizen team presented their assessment from phase 2 along with a proposed workplan and schedule, goals (indicators), who was responsible and necessary resources to the company management who approved the plans.
  • Phase 4: Development and implementation of standards: This phase consisted in documenting the operations in the manufacturing process that each Kaizen considered to be a best practice.
  • Phase 5: Standardized training and implementing improvements: The learning by doing method was used and adjustments were made to optimize.
  • Phase 6: Managing and operationalization of the system. This is the last phase in developing the implementation and is comprised of standardizing the operationality of the new system and the administration to include continuous improvement.
  • Phase 7: Closure of Kaizen first stage projects and commitment on the part of the Kaizen teams to develop new continuous improvement projects leading to the beginning of stage 2.