Using Lean Manufacturing Tools

5. Conclusions

  • The 5MQS methodology was successfully used to identify waste as a reason for low productivity at the production plant.

  • Through time studies and use of switch travel diagrams and diagraming operations it was possible to identify processes that add value and analyze the installed capacity of the critical activity or bottle neck. This facilitated focusing efforts on increasing production at this work station. The result was increased labor productivity and OEE.

  • Balancing the work load at the roughing lathes and final machining, together with standardizing the operations, allowed for increased capacity at the bottle neck and improved the continuous flow in the process.

  • The human-machine and machine-machine diagrams helped to balance the production line, especially at the bottle neck. This led to reducing distances covered and the inventory of product in process, while also taking better advantage of labor.

  • By standardizing the use of the daily and monthly OEE indicator and the Ishikawa diagram, the root causes of stoppages can be identified and problems controlled, leading to efficient solutions.

  • Better safety at work and higher quality and productivity levels were seen in the results obtained as a result of implementing the standardized work strategy via the respective documents.

  • Safe, clean, and organized work stations resulted from applying the 5S methodology to the different operations in the production process. The round tables for standardized work attained a higher level of organization of work stations thus avoiding unnecessary movements to search for things.

  • Standardized training was essential in preparing and instructing the operators. They were inducted tin the lean culture and that of standardization.

  • Lastly, the results obtained also led to increased labor productivity due to reducing the number of operators and the progressive increase in pieces produced. At the same time, it was possible to be under the goal of a maximum of 15,000 PPM of flawed products during the last 4 months under study.