Production Scheduling Approaches

5. Discussion and conclusions

In this chapter, it was faced the most intricate problem (i.e., Job Shop) in order to explain approaches for scheduling in manufacturing. The JSP is one of the most formidable issues in the domain of optimization and operational research. Many methods were proposed, but only application of approximate methods (metaheuristics) allowed to efficiently solve large scheduling instances. Most of the best performing metaheuristics for JSSP were described and illustrated.

The likelihood of solving JSP can be greatly improved by finding an appropriate problem representation in computer domain. The acyclic graph representation is a quite good way to model alternatives in scheduling. How to fit approaches with problem domain (industrial manufacturing system) is generally a case in issue. Approaches are obviously affected by data and the results are subject to tuning of algorithm's parameters. A common rule is: less parameters generate more stable performances but local optimum solutions. Moreover, the problem has to be concisely encoded such that the job sequence will respect zoning and sequence constraints. All the proposed approaches use probabilistic transition rules and fitness information function of payoff (i.e., the objective function).

ACO and BE manifest common performances in JSSP. They do not need a coding system. This factor makes the approaches more reactive to the particular problem instance in issue. Notwithstanding, too many parameters have to be controlled in order to assure diversification of search. GAs surpasses their cousins in the request for robustness. The matching between genotype and phenotype across the schemata must be investigated in GAs in order to obtain promising results. The difficult of GA is to translate a correct phenotype from a starting genotype. A right balancing between crossover and mutation effect can control the performance of this algorithm. The EM approach is generally affected by local stability that avoid global exploration and global performance. It is, moreover, subject to infeasibility in solutions because of its way to approach at the problem. SA and TS, as quite simpler approaches, dominate the panorama of metaheuristics proposal for JS scheduling. They manifest simplicity in implementation and reduction in computation effort but suffer in local optimum falls. These approaches are generally used to improve performances of previous methodologies and they enhance their initial score. The influence of initial solutions on the results, for overall approaches, is marked. Performances of NNs are generally affected by the learning process, over fitting. Too much data slow down the learning process without improving in optimal solution. Neural Network is, moreover, affected by difficulties in including job constraints with network representation. The activating signal needs to be subordinated to the constraints analysis.

Based on authors experience and reported paragraphs, it is difficult to definitively choose any of those techniques as outstanding in comparison with the others. Measurement of output and cost-justification (computational time and complexity) are vital to making good decision about which approach has to be implemented. They are vital for a good scheduling in operations management. In many cases there are not enough data to compare – benchmark instances, as from literature for scheduling could be useful - those methods thoroughly. In most cases it is evident that the efficiency of a given technique is problem dependent. It is possible that the parameters may be set in such way that the results of the algorithms are excellent for those benchmark problems but would be inferior for others. Thus, comparison of methods creates many problems and usually leads to the conclusion that there is no the only best technique. There is, however, a group of several methods that dominates, both in terms of quality of solutions and computational time. But this definition is case dependent.

What is important to notice here is: performance is usually not improved by algorithms for scheduling; it is improved by supporting the human scheduler and creating a direct (visual) link between scheduling actions and performances. It is reasonable to expect that humans will intervene in any schedule. Humans are smarter and more adaptable than computers. Even if users don't intervene, other external changes will happen that impact the schedule. Contingent maintenance plan and product quality may affect performance of scheduling. An algorithmic approach could be obviously helpful but it has to be used as a computerised support to the scheduling decision - evaluation of large amount of paths - where computational tractability is high. So it makes sense to see what optimal configuration is before committing to the final answer.